Chap. 14

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Kylo Ren's POV
The fight that started between me, my Servants had regrettably included Jade. It also started with my outrage with the words that they had so dared to spit out. I wanted to defend Jade's authority aboard the Finalizer; because they served me and they would have to show her the same respect as they would with me. Everything took a turn for the worst when Cardo was able to get a shot beneath Jade's rib cage. The blow undoubtedly put her in shock and caused her to pass out cold. Everything in me was tingling as I held her cool body close to mine, effortlessly standing up and cradling her in my arms. I did not want to waste any more time and immediately began making my way to the med bay as quickly as possible. Everything around me was silent and all I could focus on was Jade's limp body in my arms. As soon as the doctors saw me, they immediately directed me to lay her on a bed and I instinctively moved out of the way. The look on my face was cold and showed no emotion as I watched on. A deep pull inside my soul that yearned for her to come back. I could hear heart that was beating awfully slow, the weak sound pulsating through my ears and mind.
"Send for Imperial Officers to tend to the.. bodies in the throne room and lock them up." I say, still keeping my gaze upon Jade as she laid there almost looking lifeless. A stormtrooper obeying my command and leaving my side to do what he was told. "Supreme Leader. She will be fine, but the wound will be healed within three to four weeks. She'll be awake in a few hours or so." A lady spoke, not daring to look at me even with my helmet over my head. I nodded in response and took a few steps over until I stood over her bed, searching her face and mind for any discomfort. She was peaceful, which shocked me.
"Bring it to my attention when she's awake. And me only." I stated, hearing the doctors all agree in response because still no one would want to get on my bad side. I left without another word and began to make my way to the cells where my Servants awaited me. What was it that they had against Jade? It's nearly been a mere three days since she got here and so many situations were happening left and right. "I'll take it from here." I state, waving off the stormtroopers who stood guard at the largest cell we had. Of course it may not be wise to keep them all together but I needed them to be. "Open it." I say quietly, the trooper pressing a couple buttons that opened two heavily barricaded doors. There they all were, dazed and sitting around.

"Speak to me now." I mutter, keeping my hands at my sides as I looked at each of them. "We did Rey and their base on D'Qar. Their numbers are low and are trying to rebuild the numbers to attack again." Trudgen spoke, leaning against the wall with his arms across his chest. "And your Lady. Have you once questioned why she's here? Her motives." He added on as he pushed himself off the wall and took a few steps before he stood in front of me at a reasonable distance.
"I think she'll be of great use to us. She's very powerful and ruthless. She shows no mercy to anyone. Even me." I stated firmly and looked back at Trudgen, neatly folding my hands behind me back. "And as for Cardo's insolence for harming her, you answer to her now. Not me. The rest of us will show her the same respect as you would with me. She is strong with the Force and I don't recommend finding it out the hard way." I mention, starting to slowly pace back and forth in the room. They were hesitant to believe me and I knew that they were second guessing me; just as they were trying to make me change my mind about Jade. It's just been a few days and maybe within another week, she'll be at my level of skill or even better.

"The Supreme Council is planning another attack as we speak; you all will fight beside us." I state, putting a stop to my pacing and looking back at my Servants..Brothers. I didn't want to waste another breath on talking with them and started to make my way to the two heavily barricaded doors to leave the cell. "Ask her yourself. Why she was sent here." Ushar piped up, but I didn't dare to stop in my tracks or even bothering to turn around. But their pushing attitude to make me second guess was nipping at me on the inside. What did they know that I didn't? Did they know about Jade's coming before I did? Was she going to plan on overthrowing me? These were all questions that I was only going to have to ask her when she wakes up. There was a small part of me on the inside that was itching to know if they were right and Jade was only beginning to fool me. To blind me effortlessly to take control of The First Order. "Supreme Leader! The Lady is awake!" A voice called from further down the hall, snapping me out from my trail of thoughts and without thinking anything else. I began to make my way back to the med bay, just as a sense of a calm aura began to wash over my body knowing that she was awake and well. The whole mishap with her and Cardo was partly my fault for my anger taking over, but she did need someone to defend her authority. I was more than willing to be that person for her. But I still would have to speak to her; why she was here.

She'll answer to me.

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