Chap. 10

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Kylo Ren's POV
I was beyond furious at what had occurred only moments ago and I was not expecting to see the body of a stormtrooper come crashing through the chamber doors of (Y/N) at a somewhat early hour. What had infuriated me was his helmet was off and (Y/N) was topless, out of breath. I may have judged too quickly but that was just me. My anger, my jealousy, my protective instinct over her.
Here we were, fighting to get at each other's throats and physically bringing harm. A turn for the worst. Before she was able to get any closer to me, we both stumbled on our feet as major vibrations was felt throughout the entire ship. It caught us off guard and it stopped the both of us almost instantly. The mobile hologram projector starting ringing on my belt, not hesitating to answer it right away. "Supreme Leader. The Resistance is attacking. There has been multiple hits from X-wing fighters and a breach at the docking bay." Hux spoke quickly, other officers running about behind him. "Get every squadron to the docking bay and blow those pieces of junk out of the sky!" I yelled, not allowing Hux to say another word and turning off the hologram before sticking it back to my belt. I glanced over at (Y/N), who for once looked worried. We weren't finished here. The both of us had our sabers activated and at the ready for anything of The Resistance. "You are not fighting." I quickly stated, taking her saber out of her hands and turning it off before folding it back to its original form. "The Resistance can't know of your existence." I add, grabbing onto her wrist and pulling her behind me as I quickly started to walk out of the arena.

The sound of multiple footsteps running to the docking bay, vibrations felt every other minute as the X-wing Fighters were no doubt trying to take out our cannons, yelling going on between each squad of stormtroopers. Of course they would make a surprise attack to make all of us scramble, but we knew better than to NOT be ready for them. "You stay here and do not let anyone see you." I say with a tone of voice that was stern as I shoved her into a small room, giving her one last look before the door was shut. "You two! Guard this door with your life and do not let anyone in or out!" I yelled, two troopers nodding and standing in front of the door. She didn't even bother to fight me or protest my doing. We both knew that she couldn't be known. Yet. I immediately began to make my way to the docking bay and there it was, hearing another voice, calling for me, a pull to the Light. It was most definitely no other person in the world than Rey. The Force connecting us. I no longer yearned for the pull to the Light and I wanted to get rid of it once and for all. This was my chance. There was the biggest disturbance in the docking bay, blasters being shot, smoke erupting into the air of ships being struck, bodies already on the floor. The disorder already making my blood boil, using the Force to send numerous Resistance soldiers flying into the air. I would not show mercy to anyone here. Chaos was wreaking havoc on the Finalizer in order to try and destroy us. "Kylo Ren!" A familiar voice called out, making me look over a shoulder and pause for just a moment before pulling my saber out of the body of a resistance soldier. I turned to see Rey and.. Luke. Everything just got a whole lot interesting. "End this madness!" Luke yelled, him and Rey advancing towards me. The had no hold on me and I knew they were going to try and convince me once again. But now that (Y/N) was here. I could no longer do so.

"I have no business with the Light." I stated, the helmet masking my voice as I stared at Rey and Luke. Our three sabers at our sides, the tension heavy as ever. "You created me. And now you want to destroy me? Pathetic." I add, watching the bewildered look on Rey's face. "Ahh. You didn't tell your new apprentice of me, haven't you? Master." I mention, swinging my saber a couple times and getting into a defensive stance. I knew that with my current attitude, it was going to break Rey and Luke; especially to expose more of Luke's past. The things he kept hidden from Rey. They both ran towards me and we relentlessly attempted to take each other out, Rey was definitely improving in her skills..just as Luke taught her. But unfortunately, I knew what he was teaching her and I used it all right to my advantage. "Still the same old, aren't you Master Luke!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, parring his swings and kicking him down to the ground; swiftly turning around to stop Rey's full swing from above and reaching out to grip her throat and squeezing harder than I did with (Y/N), tossing her stiff body to the ground with full force. The impact on the floor knocking her out.

Little did I know, this was a set up.

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