Chap. 7

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(Y/N)'s POV
The activities from last night was starting to take its toll on my body as I slowly awoke from my deep slumber, humming quietly as I stretched out my body and reaching out to feel an empty cool space beside me. Kylo was nowhere to be seen, furrowing my eyebrows as I started to sit myself up from the bed and holding the silk sheet up to my exposed chest. I glanced over at the clock on the nearby nightstand, reading quarter to ten. "Oh shit." I muttered, quickly pushing myself out of bed and dropping the sheets from my body. I walked over to the closet and opened it up, finding some black leather tights for pants and grabbing my own boots to start putting on. Eventually grabbing a bra from the closest along with a long sleeve black top that also hugged my curves.
I was starting to wonder if Kylo specifically asked for such clothing to show my body; the very thought bringing a small smile to my lips. I quickly tied my long hair effortlessly before attaching my saber to the belt around my hips, not bothering to take a look in the mirror. I did look good, effortlessly.
"Lady (Y/N)." Two stormtroopers stated as they stood at attention, saluting towards me as I walked out of my chambers; nodding at them in response before continuing on my walk to the training arena. If Kylo wasn't in my chambers, he was most likely already waiting for me.

I felt a sense of power and control surge through me as numerous stormtroopers stopped in their tracks to salute me, they knew their place beneath and I certainly knew mine. All of this was going according to plan and satisfaction was felt all over. Just as I came around the corner to enter the training arena and there stood Kylo. He was speaking to someone over a mobile hologram, already recognizing it as General Hux. "Good. We will be in the conference room as soon as we conclude training." Kylo spoke, keeping my steps quiet as I made my way up to him. I grabbed my lightsaber and held it at the ready in my right hand, raising my left hand and using the Force to keep a gentle grip at his feet, one that he couldn't feel just yet. As soon as the hologram of Hux disappeared, I tightened my grip and whisked my left hand back to my body; taking his feet right from underneath him. "Funny that you didn't sense me near you." I laughed, activating my lightsaber as I walked over to Kylo and offering him my hand to help him up from the mats.

"Does Lady (Y/N) insist on knocking me onto my ass after such a.. sensual night?" He chuckled, taking a hold of my hand and he stood in front of me in his usual training gear. Black pants, boots, and a long sleeve shirt. He looked relaxed, but he kept his guard up. I shrugged my shoulders and took a few steps back until I stood in the middle of the laid out mats. "You're gonna have to give me more if you want that side of me at such an ungodly hour." I add on, sending him a quick wink and motioning him over my fingers; easily taunting him. The way he kept his ready stance and activated his lightsaber, staring right back at me with hunger for control shading his glistening eyes. "Tell me what makes you angry." He spoke, advancing towards me without a warning and immediately out sabers clashes. I knew what he was getting into. He wanted me to reach my peak of anger, to be relentless. He was going to get it all. Right here. Right now. "The way my Master treated me!" I hissed, finding my footing and advancing with a few quick parries to his side but failing to find his open soft spot. "Tell me more!" He yelled, his hand reaching to grip my hip which I swung around to avoid his grip from pulling me out of focus. "I killed my Master! I sought power! Control!" I yelled back, swinging my saber with strength and crisp movements to break his defence. In that moment of anger, I felt a strong power to not give in to this dual. I took a swing at his right leg, he blocked it but I acted quick and raised my left hand to Force his left leg from underneath him. He lost his guard and fell onto his back, immediately pointing my saber at his chest.

He smirked and raised his hands in surrender, deactivating his saber which brought me out of my trance for the wanting of victory. "Had enough already?" I spoke, putting my own saber away and taking a few deep breaths to calm my heavy breathing. That was just a glimpse into the way I was brought up. He couldn't know everything, just yet.
"I'm highly impressed with your skills, it's rare I'm taken down by the same person twice." Kylo breathes out, running his fingers through his damp locks and walking alongside me to the table. "And it's rare for me to channel such anger." I mention, sitting down on the chair and staring back at Kylo as he watched my movements. There was some sort of tension between us when it came to having only a dual. We both wanted control. We fought for it. We both had to become the most feared people in this galaxy. "Come on, we need to fill you in on our planned attack for The Resistance." He spoke, swinging his cloak over his shoulders and placing his helmet over his head. He wore such a thing to establish his place on this ship, to show his power; and it certainly worked on me when I had first laid eyes on him.

We eventually began to make our way to the conference room where I'm betting that many people were waiting. When we had arrived, two doors opened that revealed to me a long table with five people and beings on each side. "Speak when need be." Kylo spoke, which I heard clearly in my head and I nodded, following closely to his side before we stood at the end of the table. "Lady (Y/N) this is the Supreme Council." General Hux says, standing at the other hand of the table and motioning to both sides of the table. "As you know, we will be filling you in on our current plan to attack The Resistance. And with your presence here currently being unknown, we have the element of surprise and a strong chance of taking out at least half of their establishments." Hux explains, as he kept stern eye contact with me. I shift my weight onto one foot and placed my hands on my hips, thinking of this plan in my own head. "If you have that leverage, why not attack now?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows at the thought of them waiting for such an opportunity.

Kylo looked over at me for a few seconds and back at the council as they talked amongst themselves. "Lady (Y/N), I am Admiral Griss. We give you three days for this attack on their establishments. Nothing more and nothing less." Griss explains, which only made me nod my head and drop my hands from the curve of my hips. "Done, Admiral." I stated, turning on my heel to leave the room. Which left them dumbfounded. Kylo Ren raised his hand towards them, motioning for no other words before he turned to follow after (Y/N). I had started walking down the hall and felt Kylo's grip on my wrist, being pulled into a nearby closet. "You certainly don't take any shit from anyone, don't you, my Lady?" He mumbled, impatiently removing his helmet as he pushed me into the back of the door and connecting his lips to the exposed skin of my neck. "Never." I whispered, my body immediately radiating heat from the intensity of the moment.

The things we did.

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