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It's been 11 months. In these 11 months, me and the emperor had became close, like friends. He allows me to call him Jun Kai and often talks to me about his personal things. People say he's mean, cruel, and all that, but actually he's not that bad. He's just scared to open up because of his past.


Yu Xi is.... different from other girls. In these 11 months, I've learned a lot about her. She doesn't like to wear puffy dresses and accessories. She's loyal, loyal enough so, that I can trust her. She is the only person I trust enough to help me deal with personal matters.

I walked out the room to find her practicing. Her martial arts had improved greatly in these days. I took my sword and attacked her. In the end, we did a sparring match against each other.


"Your Majesty, Minister Chen is looking for you. " Said one of the maids.

I recognized this maid. She was the one who had brought me to meet Minister Chen 11 months ago. I didn't trust her one bit.

"Mmm" Jun Kai kept his sword and started following the maid, with me trailling behind him.

"女王 , Minister Chen only asks of the Emperor. " The maid said, stopping me in my tracks.

I looked at Jun Kai and he nodded. I let out a sigh and nodded back. I somehow felt a hint of worry in me. So, not long after they left, I decided to follow them.



Once I entered the room, the door closed. Minister Chen is definitely on to something. Just like always...

"Your Majesty, please have a seat. " Minister Chen said with no respect for me.

I sat down the chair and was served a cup of tea. With it's smell, I could tell it was poisonous.

"I'm going to get on to business. The cup of tea is poisonous, like you must have guessed. In the time that incense stick goes out, you will have finish that cup. " He said pointing to an unlit incense stick.

I didn't even gave him a look as I was not interested. He would always do this. A bargain. Whenever he stirs up problem which may seem like a big predicament, he would offer a bargain to other people. Yet, this is the first time he had ever bargained with me.

"If I fail, I will never interfere with Lan Dong ever again. " He said.

I shook my head, telling him it's not enough.

"Then what if I also leave the palace ? " He bargained.

I again , shook my head. It's not enough, not quite yet.

"I will also leave Lan Dong, forever." He continued.

"With nothing on me, no treasure , no title, nothing ! " He said resolutely.

What had he prepared to threaten me to be able to be this determined that I will lose ?

"Fine... " I spoke only one word.

He gave a smirk and said "no weapons nor powers are allowed for both of us."

I nod. Then he took out two pairs of dragon scale cuffs and cuffed himself. Dragon Scale cuffs were used to dampen one's powers.

• In Love With The Emperor • WJK FFWhere stories live. Discover now