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It's been awhile since the Emperor left, so I decided to talk to Zuer. I looked for her for quite awhile only to realize she was in her room back at the palace.

I knock on her door twice before entering while saying , "Zuer..."

She looked at me quite shooked before quickly wiping her tears. She was trying to hide the fact that she was crying from me. Well, she couldn't because her eyes were puffy.

"Uncle Li, I-" she stopped.

"You don't have to hide it Zuer, it written clearly and I can see it." I said.

She just stayed silent as I started explaining, "You love him, don't you ?"

"I shouldn't " she stated, "He's my enemy."

"Zuer... The vengeance was between both of your parents, not the two of you. If the killing keeps going, this will never stop. You have to learn to forgive and forget. Accept the fact that you don't hate him and embrace it. Your parents don't define you. " I said.

"You, you don't, you won't stop me ? You allow it ?" She seemed shock.

"Stupid girl, of course not. Our emperor is unlike his father. I'm glad you found the one for you." I gently pat her head.

"Thank you Uncle Li. I think I get it now." She smiled

I smile back as I walk out of her room.


What Uncle Li said really helped me a lot, really ! I love him and I don't want to hide these feelings anymore. I won't hide anymore. What Uncle Li said is right. It's our parents deal, not ours. And I'm sure my parents will be happy for me up there. I will choose my life, and I get to life it to it's fullest.

At this moment, I feel a surge of energy within me, ready to burst out. At this moment, all I want to do was the see him

I love you, Wang Junkai


Right then, I was sitting on my throne, listening to minister's talk about politics. To be honest, it's really boring. Usually I have Yuxi, no not Yuxi. I would have Zuer by my side, making me laugh and feel entertained with her jokes. But now, it's just cold, gloomy and empty. But she said she needed time, so I can wait. I'll be fine.

"Your Majesty, something bad happened !" The noisy room became quiet due to the sudden voice.

"What is it ?" I asked.

"Your majesty, this letter was sent half a shichen ago." The little eunuch handed m the letter, half bowing.

I opened it and read the letter.

Greetings my dear stepbrother. How are you doing ? So, I have decided that I'm bored of waiting, so....

I am declaring war in you !

Meet me in the next 5 days at dusk valley. If I don't see your army by sundown, don't blame me if your kingdom suffers.

Wang Yuan

What the heck? My brows furrowed as I read the letter. This was no joke. Wang Yuan is powerful, I knew him well. And he will stop at nothing to get what he wanted.

"Share my order, Tell the army to prepare on the next 5 days at dusk valley. We are going to march into war." I said.


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