08| Forbidden Forest

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Azalea walked determinedly into the forest with Hagrid at her side and Fang weaving around them both

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Azalea walked determinedly into the forest with Hagrid at her side and Fang weaving around them both. The half-giant carried a crate that to an ordinary witch or wizard, would be impossible to lift. The two of them were guided by the light of Azalea's wand and they need not go far before the creatures of their quest appeared above them in the clearing. The centaurs came by the dozens, staring down at her, waiting for her to speak. 

"Centaurs" she spoke softly and the one at the front nodded, frowning softly. "The war is on its way" she spoke softly and they all exchanged glances, waiting for her to continue. "A while ago, you promised to help us, in gratitude for us allowing you to roam the forests undisturbed all this time. We hope that you are still willing to do so... And we have brought you a gift, in the hopes that you will accept." she smiled and stared up at Hagrid, the man dropped the trunk to the earth with a small huff and peeled the lid back to reveal a collection of brilliant bows and arrows.

"We will protect you and this school Princess until our dying breaths" their leader promised and there was a resonating cheer from the group as they started to marvel over their new gifts. 

"Please, position yourselves wherever you deem necessary. We will forever be grateful for the help you have provided us on this night." she smiled and they nodded collectively. 

"We've got to win this thing first" one younger centaur scoffed and she laughed once, nervously before she and Hagrid turned to exit the forest. 

"I'm going to go and get Gwarp" Hagrid nodded and she returned the gesture, patting Fang once softly on the head before she made her way back to the castle where they were all preparing for the war to take place. She entered the front door just in time to see Draco shout at Pansy Parkinson and order her to leave, as she was not supportive of their cause. It made her smile slightly as she weaved in between the teachers who were casting spells continuously into the sky above.

Minerva McGonagall beamed in victory as the statues and suits of armour burst to life and marched their way through the castle like loyal soldiers, heading to the bridge to be their first line of defence. The sound of galloping erupted from all around as the centaurs swarmed, positioning themselves respectively. A dozen patronuses danced across the sky, clearing the dementors and they knew that they were doing well.

In the Entrance Hall, itself stood the four she had ordered to be there, at her side at all costs. The remaining students and Order Members were scattered throughout the school, Neville and his herbology tribe lingering in one window, Seamus and Slughorn in another with vials in their hands. Azalea could do nothing but hope that their extensive preparation would be enough.

In the Great Hall, the house-elves had congregated with an assortment of deadly weapons in their small grips, ready to serve their master... The school itself. Their army was ready, breathing in anticipation for the war that was no doubt round the corner. They could only hope that they were strong enough to fight them off.

"The spiders" one of the centaurs gasped and she followed his gaze. Whipping around, she came eye-to-eye with one of the may acromantulas. 

"We were ready to fight for the other side but... Who would we be if we fought against the greatest warrior the world has ever known. We are with you, Miss Hogwarts. And if not for you... For our father. Aragog would have wanted us to be on the side of Hagrid, no matter what" he demanded and although the sight of them made her skin crawl, she nodded and allowed them to take up guard with all the others....

"Princess" a voice sang and she turned as Peeves came whizzing towards her through the hallways, Christopher and Helena hand-in-hand behind him, the other ghosts lingering on the sidelines. There was not much that they could do, but they would be there as their school fought. 

"Mr Peeves" she smiled and he returned it, spinning around and around in the air. "I need you to stay with Mr Finnigan and do whatever he says." the poltergeist groaned in annoyance but listened none-the-less, for the 'princess'. 

War was just around the corner.

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