26| Years Later

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"Leah has been driving us up the wall

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"Leah has been driving us up the wall." Draco huffed as he stood beside Azalea and Harry on the platform of Hogwarts station where many years ago, they had all boarded together. The blond man had named his only daughter in tribute to Azalea and it warmed her heart as the white-haired girl waved at her through the train window. Leah Malfoy and Lillian Potter were the best of friends. 

"She has found interest in boys" Astoria elaborated and Azalea giggled as Harry nodded along understandably with Draco, the two of them experiencing the same issues. Azalea had been absolutely delighted when her oldest daughter told her she had a boyfriend- Harry didn't agree. "You'll never guess who" she giggled and Draco huffed. 

"Frankie Longbottom! My daughter is dating Ginny Weasley and Neville Longbottom's only son" Draco grumbled and they all exchanged glances before laughing. 

"How did I not know about that?" Ron persisted as he appeared beside them. 

"Because you don't listen, Ronald" Hermione clipped, eyes scanning the crowd to keep an eye on her children. "You'd better watch out Harry, Lillian and Patrick are the least of your worries. Seems our Hugo has his eyes set on Little Luna" Hermione beamed and Harry's eyes nearly bulged from his head at the information. Harry Potter and Azalea Hogwarts had four children in total; Lillian, and then twins; James Sirius Potter and Luna Nymphadora Potter. Their youngest child was Albus Severus Potter. All their children were named in memory of others and they were happy with the decision. 

"Brilliant" Harry clipped. 

"There are worst people" Azalea giggled and he just glared at her teasingly. 

"Least she isn't dating one of our boys" Fred grinned as he joined their side with George, a collection of six boys around them. The Weasley twins had three boys each and they were known for making quite the stir at Hogwarts.

"I should consider myself lucky then" Harry huffed and they all beamed at one another.

"I think that Albus and Scorpius are going to be the best of friends." Astoria smiled at Azalea and she couldn't help but nod in agreement...

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