13| Bellatrix

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Azalea jumped, startled when Minerva McGonagall suddenly lunged toward her, cutting off a spell that otherwise would have hit her straight in the back

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Azalea jumped, startled when Minerva McGonagall suddenly lunged toward her, cutting off a spell that otherwise would have hit her straight in the back. The brunette girl smiled in appreciation at her teacher who merely nodded with pursed lips. Even if Azalea was born centuries ago... She was still just a seventeen-year-old girl. When Azalea started to see Death Eaters she recognised in the crowd, she was simultaneously glad and terrified. 

She was glad because the presence of the stronger, higher up Death Eaters meant that they had managed to cut through the lesser Death Eaters, it was true that many of their bodies littered the entrance hall of the school now and if they did not try to kill her and her loved ones just a short while previously, she would surely have been upset about it. 

But she was terrified because the more Death Eaters they killed, the closer they were to having to face Lord Voldemort himself. When Azalea saw Bellatrix Lestrange smirking and fighting the seventh years in the courtyard, she strode forward angrily, valiantly. Azalea vowed then that on that night, Bellatrix Lestrange would die, if not for Sirius, then for Neville and his parents.

"Itty Bitty princess" Bellatrix beamed and Azalea didn't even shift her expression an inch as she shot a spell at the woman, a fiery red wave swept from her wand and the woman deflected it bach, Azalea lept over it calmly, watching Bellatrix eying it as it came back towards her. That was when Azalea took a shot in the dark and forced three spells from her wand one after the over, noticing the way Bellatrix was quickly overwhelmed, swishing her arms in all directions to banish them before they could hit her. The woman fought like a child, going for the obvious angle and target with all her energy.

And Azalea could easily see how to kill her then, how to great the great Bellatrix Lestrange. All she had to do was be tactical, exhaust the mad witch so that she could easily shoot her down. And so, that was what she did. Bellatrix backed across the courtyard as Azalea hit her with spell after spell, the Death Eater did not even manage to get a single spell in as she deflected the ones cast her way. When Bellatrix was finally backed into the wall of the school, she had the decency to look terrified. 

But that was when things changed. The dark-eyed woman's face suddenly lit up with jubilation as she saw who loitered behind Azalea Hogwarts. Keeping her wand firmly to the Death Eater's temple, Azalea turned to see Draco Malfoy watching with an impassive expression.

"Go on Draco, be a hero and kill the itty bitty princess" Bellatrix sang, clearly expecting him to listen but it was not her face that he was staring at. Draco's cool grey eyes stared deeply into the chocolate doe eyes he knew so well. The eyes of the girl who just the previous year, had rescued him from the dark side and he knew that because of her actions, he would forever be in her debt. 

"I'm sorry, Auntie" he spat. "I don't fraternise with scum" he repeated the words his aunt had often told him over the years. Of course, her words had been in regards to the muggles and muggle-borns, he knew that and used her own words against her. The spell that stunned Bellatrix Lestrange came directly from Draco Malfoy's wand and he did not hold even a glimmer of regret in his eyes as he did it, only strength and loyalty to his new cause.  "I'm not afraid anymore, Bellatrix." he continued as she was frozen in her spot by magic. "And I think you deserve to be punished. Punished for what you have done all these years. Azkaban was never good enough punishment for you, Azkaban was like a home to crazy people like you. Lea, get Longbottom."

"Neville!" Azalea instantly complied, stunning the Death Eater the boy was fighting. The herbology boy frowned as he allowed Azalea to pull him through the crowd, dodging flames and spells as they did so. At some point in the last hour, he had come down from his perch in the window to join the fray of the front line. When they finally broke free from the crowd and Neville's eyes fell on Draco Malfoy and the woman he was holding angrily against the wall, Neville's eyes filled with determination. 

"This one's for you, Longbottom. Get her good." Draco nodded strongly, supportingly and Neville blinked as he stepped forward strongly. 

"Avenge them Nev" Azalea smiled softly, keeping others away from their little interaction. She whispered a spell into his ear and he smirked victoriously - a look that was shocking on his face as he shot it at Bellatrix Lestrange.

The woman gagged for a moment before exploding into a shower of black dust, fluttering down quite innocently onto the stone of the courtyard. Draco watched his aunt explode into dust in front of him, without even battering an eyelash. In fact, he smiled brightly at those around him.

At that moment, as Draco Malfoy did that life-changing favour for Neville Longbottom, all the pains of the past were forgotten. Every moment of bullying Neville suffered under Draco's vicious rule was struck off the record, it didn't matter that he had stolen his remembral and said harsh words, it didn't matter that he bullied and teased him. At that moment as they stood in the courtyard, they were just two young men fighting for a common cause.  

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