23| Promises

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Azalea Hogwarts breathed in deeply a few times, calming herself. She had fought in wars yet that was the thing that terrified and excited her the most- getting married. Holding onto the arm of Remus Lupin tightly- six Teddy Lupin grinning up at her as he held the rings and his four-year-old little sister, Andromeda Lupin holding an adorable little basket of white petals- they made their way down the aisle, the sun glittering off of the Great Lake at Hogwarts school as they rounded the corner and Remus' arm in hers was the only thing stopping the girl from turning and running away.

But the second she saw him standing there, his hair tamed for the first time in his entire life, eyes nervous as Aberforth Dumbledore looked down at him over his glasses, book in hand, she was perfectly calm. Because nothing else mattered, the grinning of Draco Malfoy- her best man- didn't matter.

The crying of baby Arthur George Weasley in his father- Fred Weasley's arms didn't matter and the shushing of the babies mother, Parvati Patil didn't matter. The way that Padma Patil laughed at her sisters failed attempt at shushing the newborn didn't matter, nor did Seamus' joking glares. At that moment, all that mattered was Azalea Hogwarts and the love of her life, Harry Potter as the vows left their lips and the rings slid into place on their fingers.

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