11| Founders

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Azalea Slytherin Ravenclaw Hufflepuff Gryffindor stood determinedly at the front doors of Hogwarts school on May 2nd 1998, wand raised and determined as, after much-awaited anticipation, the Death Eaters swarmed them

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Azalea Slytherin Ravenclaw Hufflepuff Gryffindor stood determinedly at the front doors of Hogwarts school on May 2nd 1998, wand raised and determined as, after much-awaited anticipation, the Death Eaters swarmed them. It was time. The centaurs fired, the spiders pounced, the House Elves gave out sweet battle cries and the wizards rose their wands as the cloudy figures of the death eaters suddenly surged through onto the ground. There was no time to think or breath as suddenly, the masked figures were all around them and it was a mess of spells and screams. 

Azalea grits her teeth strongly as she whirled her wand expertly, instantly throwing three Death Eaters back. The twins and herself backed into somewhat of a triangle formation, covering one another from all angles as they were overwhelmed with a surge of blinding lights. The roar of Mad-Eye Moody was heard as he finally arrived, he and the Lupin couple creating a similar strength tactic and lights and spells bounced and repelled.

At the first offensive spell that left Azaleas wand, a blinding orange spark which bolted a Death Eater straight in the chest and sent them stumbling back painfully- Something phenomenal happened. Pain seared through Azaleas skull for the shortest of moments, it was gone faster than it had arrived and she blinked in a slight daze as she continued to fight. It went unnoticed by the brunette girl as a milky blue substance pooled at her feet, seeming to come straight out of her. It pooled all along her flesh, bubbling from all her pores and her eyes widened as it spread down her fingertips. 

In the next moment, the milky substance rolled off of her body like water, pooling on the stone floor of the entrance hall and running away from her in a steady stream. Azalea's eyes widened at what it left behind, the black dress she wore was so beautifully familiar, and atop her head stood a new Ravenclaw Diadem in all its shining glory. She was the Daughter of Hogwarts and now she had the look to prove it.

The substance that rolled like water but was as solid as the mist swirled into four distinct groupings on her either side and she did her best to ignore the way it swirled as she fought bravely on, deflecting a spell as it shot straight toward Fred Weasley, he stared at her in pure adoration before fighting on angrily with his twin at his side.

The mist finally started to make sense to Azalea as it swirled upwards and her heart nearly lurched straight from her chest when Helga Hufflepuff smiled down at her. The woman was ageless, not a wrinkle in sight but looking just as she always had throughout her lifetime, just as Azalea remembered her looking as she brushed her bouncy brunette curls. The woman was like a ghost, only slightly more solid. 

"Come on, Daughter. It's time" her silvery eyes were filled with a thousand emotions as she stared at her beautiful daughter, pride being a prominent feature on her face. Azalea was shocked, staring at the woman she knew so well and when a spell came darting towards her, it was cut off by the least likely source. Helga Hufflepuff threw her arm upwards, wand in hand and she deflected the spell effortlessly. The Death Eater in front of her eyes glared angrily and shot another spell, just to have her mother cut it off once more.

It soon came to her attention that the others could not see the woman but she smiled in victory.

"Fight with me, Sweet One" Helga breathed, linking her hand with Azaleas and the beautiful brown haired girl almost cried out at the feeling of the familiar fingers between her own. Together, hand-in-hand, the mother and daughter duo fought bravely. 

"Don't let them get you down, Lea" another voice demanded and to her other side, Salazar Slytherin appeared in all his mighty glory, shooting a dozen spells a second into the crowd, a crowd of people who claimed to be supporting him but were truly only disgusting him. Salazer would not allow a single spell to come anywhere near the people his daughter cared about that night. Fred Weasley didn't know it, but that night, in the darkness of the entrance hall as they fought valiantly, he had the most unlikely of guardian angels. The Slytherin king stood between the twins, fighting off the Death Eaters almost lazily and the twins grinned victoriously at one another, finding that they were winning the fight so far.

"Kill them all" a booming voice laughed, filled with nothing but warmth and Azalea visibly grinned at the sight of Godric Gryffindor, his armour perfectly intact as he danced around the enemies with surprising elegance. The sword of Gryffindor in hand, he swished it expertly throughout the crowd and Remus Lupin blanched in pure shock as the death eater he was fighting was sliced straight in half, falling to the ground like puzzle pieces being poured from the box.

"The Founders are with us tonight." Azalea cheered and there was a returning cheer from her side as her final parent finally appeared. 

"I am sorry, Sweet Child. For all that we have done to stand in your way. We fight beside you tonight." she promised and was instantly fighting. Helena Ravenclaw's eyes grew a thousand times and wept with tears at the sight of her mother and Rowena smiled forgivingly, holding her hand up to her girl. Helena's fingers locked with her mothers and Azalea's family was complete, fighting together in the battle of Hogwarts...

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