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Remus Lupin grunted as he was backed into a corner, panicking now as the spells seemed to come from a hundred directions. The Death Eaters had a larger army than any of them ever could have predicted. The old defence against the dark arts teacher was close to closing his eyes and accepting his fate when the Death Eater in question fell to the ground, dismembered. Remus' eyes grew a thousand sizes as blood was splashed gruesomely across his face and he coughed for a moment, sliding in the pool of it as he made his way to his wife who was fighting valiantly.

Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks had many reasons to fight now. They fought for love, for one another and their son who, without them would grow up an orphan. And they fought for the children that were not even theres though they loved regardless. Seeing Azalea fighting so bravely, doing her very best with all the strength within her made Tonks smile. And it gave her another burning passion, to fight for Azalea and Harry so that they could get the life they were owed, so they could marry and bear children of their own.

Everyone fought for different reasons that night but they had one thing in common because they all fought for one another. Stood among the crowd, possibly stronger than any of the rest was Draco Malfoy, a boy who was raised in the dark and had made it through to the light. It was hard to fight your enemies but even harder to fight your friends. Draco Malfoy was fighting his family.

From the very first day, when Draco had helped Azalea down from that carriage and they had chatted softly about his name- He knew that she meant something, that she was important. And although they were not destined to be together, he would fight to the death for her. And he knew, as he saw her fighting valiantly, that she would fight to the death for him too. She was the bravest of the brave, just like one of her fathers. She was kind, ambitious and Intelligent. So it was no wonder that he found himself so attracted to her. He had just never expected to betray his family for her.

Draco Malfoy didn't know it, but as he fought that day, he had Salazar Slytherin at his side grinning proudly as if he was looking down at his own child. The father of Slytherin had never wanted war, not among the wizarding world at least. He wanted nothing more than equality for the wizards- The pure, half and muggle-borns alike. And Draco Malfoy was a marvellous example of all the things he wanted in his students. He wanted ambition.

Alastor Moody did not have a family of his own. He had gone down in history as one of the most skilled Aurors of all time, he sacrificed an eye and a leg in the first wizarding war and continued to fight bravely in the second but it wasn't noticeably out of love. Alastor fought for respect, he fought for the prospect of a family. The Order of the Pheonix was an organisation which held his loyalty completely. The Order was his family when he had none. And so, that day, at the Battle of Hogwarts, he fought valiantly for those who in his mind- were just children.

As Azalea fought against one particularly skilled Death Eater that she had no name for, her wand was expelled from her hand from a different direction and she watched it fly away in horror as if it went in slow motion. It was true, that she did not particularly need it, but it was more of a comfort thing. Acting on instinct alone as the Death Eater in front of her advanced with greedy eyes, she went for the traditional approach, slamming her knee angrily into his groan. The man fell as if he had been hit with the cruciatus curse and the twins laughed in identical jubilation at her as Moody scooped her wand off of the floor and tossed it carefully to her.

Wand firmly in hand once more, the family at her side, Azalea battled on though her mind was caught between two places. Her mind was caught between the scene in front of her, though, as she slid around in the blood of their foes, she couldn't help but think of Harry Potter and where he may be now. She knew that he was alive, but she did not know where he was or how he was coping and it pained her, the lump in her throat ever-present.

As a house-elf's limp body flew passed her, Azalea was filled with further determination and she whipped around angrily to the perpetrator. Said Death Eater soon found themselves in great pain...

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