19| Azalea Hogwarts

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When Harry was finally released from the excitable crowds clutches, he happily made his way back toward his girlfriend who had taken a seat on one of the benches at the side of the room, watching them with a small smile on her lips

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When Harry was finally released from the excitable crowds clutches, he happily made his way back toward his girlfriend who had taken a seat on one of the benches at the side of the room, watching them with a small smile on her lips. He huffed when he took a seat, tiredly and she instantly leant into his side, cuddling his shoulder as he smiled in appreciation.

"I can't believe it's finally over." He chuckled, looking over at her and the doe eyes that had danced around his dreams for the past two years. As he stared into them, he knew for certain that she was the woman for him. He had known it for months, maybe even years. And now that he had her, he wasn't ever going to let her go again. The boy leant over and kissed her softly. "Let's get you to bed" Harry smiled. "You look exhausted."

"I've been fighting for my life." She laughed and he chuckled as he helped her to stand, slightly frowning as she walked sloppily, losing her natural elegance in an instant. Her feet dragged behind her as they walked, weakly and with each passing step, he grew more and more concerned. Until her legs didn't support her at all anymore.

The brown haired girl dropped into his arms with a clatter and he stared at her weak form, eyes growing wide as he slowly lowered her onto the floor of the Great Hall, her head drooping into his lap. Harry's hands fluttered, panic coming over him because he had absolutely no idea what to do. With the strength left within her, Azalea forced herself to roll over into he front, off of his lap as she coughed violently, her hands keeping her from face planting the floor all together. All around the crowd was gathering in panic and Madam Pomfrey rushed over, helping the girl to sit, Harry quickly taking up her side.

"What's happening?" He demanded, looking at the matron with wide eyes and she was just as flustered, stuttering and shaking her head. The boy pulled his girlfriend into his lap, watching the tanned colour of her skin slowly paling, turning sickly. Her eyes, the beautiful glittering doe eyes he had stared at so many times, were dimming and he just stared, flustered and holding her close as if doing so would keep her there. "Don't go! Don't you dare leave me!"

"I love you Harry Potter" she smiled dreamily.

"I love you too." His voice shuddered and shattered in four short words. "Lea, Lea. Hey hey, you're okay. We always make it through, don't we? We won the war! It's okay. You're going to be okay." He repeated in a mantra as he rocked them softly backwards and forwards like a child cradling a broken toy. She grew weaker and weaker before their very eyes and there was nothing any of them could do to stop it.

Harry frowned as he felt a wetness spill across him, only, it was not wet at all, it was completely dry. But it felt so incredibly like water as it formed around the girl in his arms and spread onto the stone floor like a pool of water. The substance was a milky blue colour, reminding him vividly of a patronus as it spread wider and wider. As it did so, she seemed to grow weaker and weaker.

Neville jumped slightly as the blue reached his feet but there was no point in running, it was gushing all around them at a tremendous speed, rolling along the floor like a mist and everyone was equally confused about the happenings. After recovering from his initial shock, Harry stared down at the girl in his arms, watching the life fade away.

"No! Lea! Stay away. Don't you dare close your eyes! You're okay. We won. It's over. I'm here. We're fine," his voice rose, nearing hysterics as he said each word and the sight of her weak body cut through him, causing more agony than a blade as the pain pooled in his veins, cutting off any feeling of joy and jubilation.

"She's fixing it" Ginny gushed and Harry's green eyes snapped up from beneath his glasses, a look of shock overtaking the pained agony as he watched the great hall magically fix itself with the help of the blue mist. With every piece of rubble the mist spread across, it returned it to its rightful place. And with the speed of it, the Great Hall was looking brand new again incredibly fast, Winky the house elf to his right jumped as the piece of flooring beneath her moved. And as rumbles we're heard through the open doors, they were sure that the rest of the castle was fixing itself in the same manner.

Finally remembering his place, Harry's green eyes swished back around to the girl in his arms and a cold horror ran instantly along his body, followed by a flustered heat as he saw her unmoving face, eyes shut delicately. If not for the pale of her cheeks and the floppiness of her body, one would think she was merely sleeping.

"No!" Harry roared with a pain so severe his words were almost screeched as he held her impossibly closer, their hero was reduced to a shattered mess of tears as he rocked her, holding her tightly as if trying to hold her together, as if he was terrified that if he let go, she would be gone forever....

[Wow, would you look at the time. 12:28.  I think the next part will have to wait for tomorrow.... 😉]

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