20| Mission Accomplished

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"Oh, my sweet Darling!" Helga beamed, her eyes growing larger as she stared at the child she had helped raise. Azalea Hogwarts blinked in shock at the sight of her mother, her eyes instantly swivelling in each direction to take in the office of Hogwarts school in all its beauty. But there was one thing that shocked the girl the most, her mother was actually there. Helga Hufflepuff smiled in all her beauty and as Azalea reached out to her, she could feel her warmth. And she sobbed once, brokenly as she was pulled into the chest of the woman she had missed so much, never quite being able to reunite.

"What? Is this real?" Azalea stuttered out, reaching up to take her mother's face softly into her hands, whimpering slightly as she felt each line and smile.

"Of course it is real" another voice chipped and she turned as her other parents joined through the main door. They were all there together and it felt completely real. Only as she looked at them, did she realise the horrifying truth. 

"How am I here?" she questioned and none of them answered as they exchanged glances. "How am I here?!...am I-- Am I dead?" she was horrified at the thought, her eyes growing larger, watering. Helga instantly went to try and shush her as a mother would but Azalea was appalled and she ripped her hands from the founders'. "You killed me?"

"I do not know why it comes as such a surprise to you, Child. You have known of your fate since you were old enough to understand." the Slytherin king had a cold, dry voice as he swirled a random artefact on the desk around his long fingers, not even glancing up at her. 

"You promised me." her watery eyes turned to her mother, Helga, accusingly. "You said that I could live!" 

"Well, that wasn't her decision to make." Rowena's voice was calm despite the rising anger of her child. 

"You promised I could live. Why can't I just live? What's it to you if I do?" she persisted, she wasn't going to give up easily. The thought of the pain she had felt when Harry had died filled her mind and she knew that currently, he must be grasping at her shell of a body, the soul evacuated. It filled her with enough fear that her voice rose easily to a shout. 

"Look at you." Salazar tsked from his seat, finally looking at her. "Already speaking like a commoner." he rolled his eyes.

"Enough, Salazar" Godric finally chipped in, standing with a huff to assess his daughter. Helga was in a state of distress, flustered as she tried to calm the girl but was, of course, not succeeding. "What is it you would like, child?"

"I want to go back." she nodded determinedly and they exchanged glances. 

"Azalea" Rowena's voice finally became sincere, gentle as she understood the severity of the situation. "If you go back... You will not see us again. We are here, in this shadow world. If you die... Of natural causes, you won't come here. Listen to me, if you go back, you won't ever be able to talk to us again, see us again. We'll just be gone." Rowena's voice was slowly rising in a panic because it meant that they would not be able to see her either, it meant that they would finally be completely cut off from their daughter. It meant that she would just be an ordinary witch. 

"I'm sorry, Mothers, fathers...But you have been dead for centuries... To me, you have been dead for almost three years. As much as I want to live here with you all, to be with you. I cannot. I must go back because I have so much waiting for me there. I love you all so much, but I've already let you go, I let you go that day in this office all those years ago when I turned that time turner. Because you sent me away, you made me leave behind everything I had known and I was completely terrified. But when I got there, I found a better life than I could ever have dreamt of. And that's the life I choose now. You cannot keep me, not once you've already said goodbye. I'm sorry, I truly am. Because, you will always be my parents, my family. But I choose Harry... I will always choose Harry." her voice got steadily stronger with each word that she spoke because she had already made the decision, over a year ago when she promised to love Harry. And she wasn't going to back out now.

"Bravery of a Gryffindor." Godric smiled proudly and she turned to him, ignoring the was her other father rolled his eyes. "All I want for you Zalie is the life that you choose. You have long since deserved this. I am sorry, that things could not have been different. Once, I would have liked to walk my precious daughter down the aisle."

"Thank you, Papa, I love you. And one day, when I do marry... I'll be thinking of you all."

"I love you sweet dear" Helga sobbed, a complete mess that made the other founders roll their eyes. It was not the first time they said goodbye to their child, but it would be the last. 

"I suppose if this is what you want. We can accept it." Rowena huffed. "We raised you to be intelligent. I would like to believe that you haven't suddenly become stupid now." she hugged her daughter and Azalea smiled through the slight layer of tears that bubbled in her eyes.

"Your son better be a Slytherin" Salazar stated calmly and they all rolled their eyes before he turned his serious expression into a mischievous smile and hugged her tightly for a short second. Then he had enough of the affection and stepped back, coughing uncomfortably. 

"Okay," she breathed. "Now what do I do?" 

"Wake up."

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