10| Last Breath

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At five minutes to the hour, Azalea stared upwards at Harry with wide eyes, all the fear, pain and love leaking into that single glance and he stared back just as strongly as they neared the starting line

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At five minutes to the hour, Azalea stared upwards at Harry with wide eyes, all the fear, pain and love leaking into that single glance and he stared back just as strongly as they neared the starting line. They were a tangle of limbs in the entrance hall because, in only five minutes time, the battle they had waited for all this time would happen. The battle that Azalea had spent her life preparing for was coming.

Azalea Hogwarts was born from a spell.

She was taught to do magic from the second her hand could lift a wand and her mouth could pronounce the words.

Azalea Hogwarts had never had an ordinary life, she was never an ordinary girl. She didn't get to grow up and go to school like an ordinary child. Instead, she travelled centuries in time, to be there, in that very moment, with her arms tangled with his, their eyes meeting fiercely and their lips moving in a moment of passion.

"I love you Azalea" he spoke the words so sincerely, so sweetly, pure and unfiltered emotion flowing down his cheeks in salty tears. They did not know if or when they would see one another again, they did not know if they would win this war but they were ready to die trying. That night, as Azalea Hogwarts and Harry Potter, said what could likely be there very last goodbye, they were content in the knowledge that they were loved. Azalea had found everything she wanted and didn't even know she needed in Harry James Potter and as their eyes locked, a bright burst of light filling the room as the barrier above their heads was attacked, Azalea knew that she would gladly walk into her death for that boy. Azalea would fight, if for nothing else, for him.

"I love you Harry Potter" she promised and it was a silent goodbye, in case the horrible happened. It was agonising, more agonising than anything they had ever experienced. It was more painful than the times they had been hit by the Cruciatus Curse or any other spell for that matter. Letting go of one another's hands to walk into Battle was harder for Harry than having to let Sirius Black go. It was harder for Azalea than turning that time turner that plucked her from the earth and tossed her into a new era. It was agonising.

"Stay safe" he pled, and it was what he desired the most. His marvellous green eyes, that she had spent hours in total staring at since their very first meeting, watered in pain just from the thought of anything happening to her. 

"Always" she smiled. "Come back to me?"

"Always" he promised. Hermione Granger and Azalea Hogwarts, two girls who had become sisters, who understood one another in depths that others could not; hugged one another tightly with the threat of tears and then she hugged Ron. Ron and Azalea were two people that didn't realise how much they meant to one another until that moment, hugged like brother and sister in their potentially final goodbye. The future was uncertain but the present was clear, Harry, Ron and Hermione could not be there, fighting alongside the daughter of Hogwarts, no matter how badly they wanted to be.

Azalea stared into Harry's green eyes for the very last time before her own eyes fluttered shut and she felt a lasting kiss press to her forehead. Squeezing her eyes shut, demanding that they must not shed tears, Azalea breathed out once and then opened those doe eyes to find that he was gone. The painful lump in her throat stayed there from then on, and she knew that it would be there until she saw his face yet again. Her chest burned as she glanced around at those who joined her side. 

"We've got you back Lea" Fred nodded determinedly from one of her sides. 

"You can count on us," George added and she smiled up at them both, trying her best to keep her face composed.

All around her, there was a chorus of goodbyes as the moments ticked by, nobody knowing if they would see one another again but all of them ready to fight to the death. The silver watch that Azalea had gifted Harry a year ago ticked on his wrist as he ran with his two best friends through their beloved school and counted down every second until the war began.

"Thank you, everyone. For everything" Azalea spoke out loudly and there was a chorus of agreements from everyone around her. They were the first line of wizard defences and they were ready as above them, more spells fired at their protective spell and finally, it split like a broken seam, widening with holes as the brilliant darkness of the sky above with plagued with the brightness of the spell. The wind whipped around them furiously and they did not even flinch. 

"Ready Fred?"

"Yep, ready George?"

"Always. Ready Lea?"


[Authors note: I am not ready!]

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