Chapter 1.

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Vampires and Humans live together in peace.

Well mostly in peace, the two races do live togeher in the world with the same rights and as both living creatures.

But not every town and city are as respectful and peaceful as others, some old towns are terroriesed by vampires without marcy.

Some old fashion towns still hate on vampires and treat them cruely. 

But for main city and towns filled with people who dont really care over who is who or what they born as. They just live together without any issues and get on with their own lives. 

And that how it is Altea city, no one gives a shit what you are for most of the time. 

Sure you still get the pricks that will disgrimate and hate on humans or vampires but that life for you. 

But everything was alright in Altean Poice station, since no cop gave a damn about the other unless they stole the last donut and left the box in the break room. Or if they stole the last tea bag or coffee without a word and left the others to suffer without. 

Vampire food and drinks were together with human food, making them all share one break room and kitchen without making it awkward by having one break room for vampires and one for humans. They just learned to share, the left fridge full of blood bags in bottles or cartons and the right fridge filled with human food. Blood food for vampires and normal human food are served beside the other with a label to separate them  becuase no one cared if one was vampire or not as long as they covered them during the job. 

But there was one person in the police station that not many cops liked or enjoyed going near let along go down to her labs. 

She was the coroner or pathologist if you want to use the proper word for her job.

She was good at her job and always found clues on a victim body, sometimes extra clues that not many other coroners would notice or seem as important to pass on to the cop. While she checks over the body she also gives the victim respect and try to keep damage limited for the shake of the family. She was the reason the police station solved most of their cases or helped proved some innocent when blamed. 

She was short but held strength and she was smart with pale skin. Short soft hazel hair ending at her shoulders and bright pretty hazel eyes. Cute freckles over her cheeks and nose that are hidden behind round nerdy glasses. She was twenty four years old and her name was Pidge Gunderson. 

She freaked some out and wasn't much of a people person but if you got close to her then she was a good person. She just spooked others since she was a coroner and well she always had a sparkle in her eyes as she did a autopsy or passed on the info of where she found interesting facts over the victim death. Not all cops held the same stomach as her and just asked her to email her facts over to them instead of visiting her down in the underground floor that held her lab. 

But one person, well he enjoyed coming down to her lab and watching her as she told him everything to do with the victim for his case. He was happy to listen to her talk on and on, even letting her go off topic sometimes.

He was a bit of a loner and well scared other cops as well but she seemed to just break down his walls from day one. He remembered how cold he was too her when they first met yet she was always sassing back and messing with him until they just got use to the other. She saw something in him and no matter how cold he acted towards her, she just kept hanging with him and he guessed he was thankful she did.

His name was Keith Kogane, he was a cop at the station.

He was short but still taller then pidge and had pale skin. He was strong and fast, he also a half vampire but he didnt reply on his vampire side much. He had silky black hair in the shape of a mullet and beautiful violet eyes that seemed to hold a galaxy or so Pidge says. He was twenty four years old and well he held a strong bond with Pidge. They were close friends and was always together when they could, even during work hours when they were free.

Keith and Pidge weren't the only two friends in the station, they were stuck with another cop known as Lance McClain, Keith partner in the station. Lance was a goofy flirty idiot but he did make the other two laugh and chose to be there friends without a care how others might look at them. 

Lance was tall and thin with light tan skin. He has chocolate hair and ocean blue eyes. He was a simple human and was twenty four years old. He made a good cop and a good friend to the two even if they did get annoyed with him half the time. But then without Lance they wouldnt have met Hunk Garret, a guy who owned the café down the road.

He was lance childhood friend and a simple human as well.  Hunk was chubby and big with dark skin. He had black hair with an orange headband tied round his head and brown eyes. Hunk may seem huge but he was friendly and kind with a caring heart. He was nice to everyone and always looked out for the other three by making sure they had a decent meal when they came to his café. Hunk is twenty five years old and married to a lovely girl named Shay, they have one year old twin sons known as Harley who was just like a mini hunk and Harry who just like a mini shay. Shay was a good lady and worked as a nurse, she was tall and big with dark skin. Short brown hair often done in star wars buns on her head and she had green eyes. She was twenty six and met Hunk after Lance got shot making him sent to hospital. Lance sulked for the full week in hospital since after Hunk met Shay on that first day with love at first sight, he only ever came to visit lance just to see Shay. 

But then again they had to thank doctor Adam for setting the two up, he was the one who sent Shay to do lance checks up after seeing Hunk visit and wanted to the two to meet. Adam was the doctor who looked after Keith and Lance whenever they got hurt and was like a big brother to them all. He was normal height with a nice built and dark skin. He got brown hair and brown eyes that are always hidden behind his black square glasses. He was also just a human and twenty eight years old with a secret lover that the others haven't been able to meet yet.

It was a huge shock that Adam half brother turned out to be James Griffon, A vampire and a cop at the station. Keith and James dont get along well and Lance hates how girls fall over James more then they do with him. James was more prideful and like to follow the rules, meaning he didnt like to be too instincts when working. Its fine but it can make him hold back others and call for back up when they have the chance to save someone or do something first. James was tall and slim but strong thanks to being a pure blood vampire. He has fair skin and brown hair with blue grey eyes. He twenty five years old and well he shares the same vampire father as Adam, their father married his mother after Adam human mother died when he was a baby. Adam was born fully human unlike James but the brothers looked out for the other even if they were two different from the other.  

A Vampire Cop (Kidge)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें