Chapter 17.

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"Nervous" Pidge asked as she looked to Matt and Shiro while they stood out outside of the courtroom where Lotor will be judged for his crimes.

"Yeah, It seems silly but I'm more scared of this court hearing then the first time. I mean what if he gets let free once again, we know he never stop and we never stop him" Matt ramble in a panic and Pidge placed her hand on his shoulder to calm him.

"We just catch him before he ever harms another soul but that won't happen becuase he will finally be locked up for good. You'll be the free from the burden of his crimes after today" Pidge smiled softly and Matt just stared at her slightly amazed.

"Thank you" Matt muttered and Pidge just gave a slight nod before removing her hand.

"Will you be ok, Keith said your never been called into a court case before" Shiro asked with a small smile and Pidge gave an unsure smile.

"No Clue, Normally cops use my autopsy reports as evidence to catch the criminals so I've never been needed. I don't even know if I'll be any help or if I'll just freeze up giving Lotor layer a chance to fill words into my mouth. I'm hoping my drive to get Lotor of the streets will get me threw this" Pidge explained clearly nervous and the two inspectors smiled.

"Don't worry, Your gonna be fine and if you do freeze then the lawyer on our side will save you. Just be you" Shiro smiled kindly as he ruffled pidge hair.

"Thanks, It be strange going back to work tomorrow without you two strangers hanging around" Pidge joked making the inspectors laugh.

"Yes, well we do have our own station to return to and get on with new cases. Plus I'm missing my wife and daughter more then anything after being gone so long" Matt smiled as he placed his hand with his wedding ring over the slightly childish clip on his collar. 

"We can save someone else, we miss working you, Keith and Lance but we still inspectors wanting to make the world safer. We have to return, its just ashamed we'll be leaving tomorrow while your be stuck at work" Shiro replied and Pidge nodded in understanding. 

"I wish you both luck and if you ever need a specially skilled coroner on your team just call me up. I'll help you find hidden clues within the body" Pidge grinned proudly and the two inspectors just nodded at her. 

"Oh man, we so fucked" Lance groaned as he walked over with Keith.

"Why are we screwed" Pidge asked with slight worry as she looked to her friends who stopped beside the three.

"Allura is Lotor lawyer, it seems the one we called on Friday had to decline the case after seeing Lotor crimes and well Lotor called for Allura. She agreed to take over yesterday but she didnt call us to tell us" Keith explained and the rest froze.

"The girl Lotor is after is going to save him" Matt whispered yelled and Keith gave a slight nod since Lotor was never after Allura but they never told the others that.

"Allura won't show mercy towards us, even if he clearly committed those crimes. She keep fighting for him in the trial until the end judgment" Pidge frowned and crossed her arms. 

"But why would Allura agree to take his case, yes they were old friends but she hates him now. Why help him try to get let free" Shiro mumbled as he placed his fingers on his chin.

"Because its a hard case, Allura a lawyer lion. She hunts for hard and almost impossible cases just to beat them.  She never lost a case before and even if it means letting someone truly dangerous out free she keep fighting for them. Its just how she works, her pride comes before the public" Lance replied as the others lowered their heads.

"No we still gonna win, we have all the needed evidence and this is his second time being caught. Having his daddy pay him free will go against him now. Plus the body count is higher and you'll be showing photos of the victims after they gone threw Lotor, no one will be able to see the goodness in him that Allura tries to show" Pidge spoke up with pride, giving the others slight hope.

"Well, lets make sure we all do our best to not leave any gaps for her" Keith smirked and placed a hand on Pidge shoulder making her give a slight nod.

"Nope, I'm still nervous but I'm riled up to beat his ass in the eyes of law" Lance cheered lifting an arm in the air.

"Well maybe calm down a little" Matt joked making them laugh.

"Well time to enter, its time" Shiro sighed as he looked to his watch and they all walked towards the wooden doors.

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