Chapter 7.

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Gods Piss 

Jesus tears

Fucking Rain that not many liked not when it was pouring down without mercy making the road fill up with water. 

People boots and shoes are filling up with the muddy water.

Bodies becoming drenched and freezing cold.

Strong chilly winds blowing threw their bones like the dead. 

A night that was so story and horrifying was snuggled up at home, hiding from the weather. 

Warm drinks,

Heating on while wrapped in blankets,

Hot showers and baths, 

Boiling meals cooked  for one or the family,

Cuddles and snuggles together with love ones or with animals...

The weather that can make you feel so warm and loved while shivering inside at the thought of being in it. 

But not anyone had the same wonderful experience, some stood completely soaked in the middle of a storm under a police gazebo. 

A new victim turned up and was called in at midnight when someone was rushing come before noticing the body in the park path.

"Shouldn't you four boys be keeping other back while I'll do a basic check over for the victim now the Lance is finished taking tons of photos" Pidge smirked as she glanced to the two inspectors and two policemen that was huddle under the police Gazebo keeping the body dry but the four making sure not to touch any evidence or the body. 

"We are, we making sure no one comes close to you" Lance argue back lifting his foot with a frown as a swishing sound could be heard within his boots.

"No one gonna come this was, Its two am already" Shiro replied as he looked to his thankfully water proof watch. 

"Well can we get this body in the van or what"  Matt asked as he looked to Pidge who nodded before standing up and walking to bring the ambulance bed over, waving for Keith to give a hand.

"Roll" Keith asked as he grabbed a couple medical gloves.

"Roll" Pidge grinned and the two rolled the victim body on the bed before Pidge pulled it up to normal level and pulled it towards the van ramp.

"Not gonna strap her in" Keith smirked as he helped pushed it up the van wrap.

"Well I just let you pin her down" Pidge joked as she locked the trolley bed in place pulling her gloves off.

"And you say gross when I joke over a pretty victim" Lance grinned as he stood at the bottom of the ramp as his two friends walked out.

"Becuase your a dirty man when it comes to women" Pidge explained as she tapped his arm while walking past.

"Am not" Lance sulked.

"Yes you are, trust us we would know" Keith sighed as he walked past, pulling lance by his arm so Pidge could lift up the ramp.

"Pidge, do the autopsy tomorrow. We should all head home and wash before we get ill" Shiro spoke up as he looked to the small women who nodded in understanding. 

"Let us follow you back in my car, we give you and Keith a lift back from the station once you pull up the van back in the station" Matt smiled and the two nodded.

"Van or car" Pidge asked as she turned to Keith.

"Van" Keith answered and the two jumped into the van to drive back while Matt followed with the car, Shiro and Lance sitting in the back. 


Sorry its so short...

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