Chapter 23.

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"Oof" Pidge huffed as Keith pulled her closer before wrapping his arms around her, snuggling as close as he can.

"I deserve snuggles after my hard day" Keith mumbled into her hair as she let a giggle escape her lips.

"Oh really, well did you bump into Shiro tonight" Pidge asked with a cheeky grin.

"Yeah funny thing, I randomly decided to go to a strange pub and there Shiro sat with two drinks already. We talked and well he did help, we talked a lot actually and I'm not gonna try and protect our love anymore .. I want us to go back to being us without being worried over letting work destroy us. Think we can be our old selves while dating" Keith replied lifting his head slightly as he looked to his girlfriend.

"I would like that too" Pidge smiled sweetly looking over her shoulder to look at him.

"Shiro also gave me some good advice to help keep my mine clear when cases get difficult" Keith spoke up laying his girlfriend on her back while keeping her in his arms. 

"Oh and what was that advice" Pidge asked looking to him.

"Sex is very good medication" Keith smirked wiggling his eyebrows while Pidge laughed.

"So, that why you suddenly cheated into us love making tonight" Pidge grinned goofily.

"How did I cheat" Keith yelp back surprised.

"Oh so you suddenly walked out after your shower in nothing but a waste towel, walking straight towards me before taking a sip of my blood carton while letting a drip slip out between your lifts. Leaning down to let me wipe it before licking my fingers for the drop and suddenly pulling me into a make out session isn't cheating" Pidge argue back while Keith just smirked. 

"You never said no and If I remember correctly you were the one asking for a second round even when I reminded us we had work tomorrow" Keith teased back before rubbing his nose against her cheek. 

"Do I hear you complaining about the extra work out becuase If I do I'll remember that next time you want some extra fun in the bedroom" Pidge smirked back, looking him straight in the eyes.

"Nope, No complaints from me. I think we should drop this subject and get some sleep ... Night .. Love you" Keith quickly replied before kissing her cheek and laying his head down. 

"Good thing your hot" Pidge muttered as she grabbed his hand before kissing the back.

"Shouldn't you say its a good thing I love you" Keith asked opening his eyes.

"I said what was needed" Pidge teased as she closed her eyes.

"This is why I deserve snuggle time before we sleep" Keith whispered pulling Pidge closer.

"Can we snuggle once we put some pjs ... its a chilly night and my nipples with freeze off" Pidge grumbled as she snuggled closer to Keith for his inhuman body heat.

"Sure, It is a little cold tonight" Keith admitted and sat up pulling Pidge up with him.

"I'll throw you a pair ... what ones do you want" Pidge asked as she wiggle to the edge of the end of the bed.

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