Chapter 20.

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Keith was a nervous wreck, he stood in a semi suit outside of the station just finishing his shift thirty minutes ago. It was date night, Shiro and Matt returned home today leaving everything back to normal. Well apart from his and Pidge date, Lance already left for home in his unifrom giving Keith a chance to change into his formal black trousers and red shirt with his silk black tie. He even kept his leather fingerless gloves off, keeping them in his work locker. 

His mullet tied back into a pony tail, he decided to take a chance after hearing a couple women talk about how some men can pull off a pony tail making them get rather horny. Now of course Keith doesn't want to make Pidge horny when its a romantic date but he thought he give the look a go. If she laughed then he lose it acting like the hair tie he stole from another cop suddenly fell out. 

He wasn't sure why he was so nervous, he been on friendship dates with Pidge before or fake double dates with her and whoever Lance was dating at the time. But then again, tonight would decided if they could be a couple or if just being close friends was the best option. Tonight was a huge decision for them both and their future relationship status.

He turned as he felt someone stop behind him and his eyes widen stunned. 

Pidge looked gorgeous..

A simple black and white dress, the top being white while the skirt of the dress was black. The sleeves ended at her shoulder showing part of them and her arms or it would if she wasn't wearing a black cardigan that suited the dress. Skin coloured tights with small black heals. A white handbag that could clearly only hold her phone, keys and purse. Her brother glasses were off making her freckles clear to see. 

"You look perfect" Keith mutter with a blush as he stayed staring noticing her stare back. 

"T-thanks, Y-your looked very hot" Pidge mutter back with a blush covering her cheeks as she glanced to the floor.

"I d-don't look u-um silly" Keith asked surprised and watched as she shook her head.

"You look rather sexy with a pony tail" Pidge smiled shyly as her blush grew a deeper red.

"Thanks" Keith smiled and walked closer.

"Think we can walk slow, I'm still not use to heals" Pidge mumbled embarrassed as he took her hand in his.

"Lets go eat" Keith smiled gently, lifting his arm before placing a soft kiss on the back of her hand before they started walking at a steady pace. 

The two looked at the fancy restaurant, looking at the other customers you seem slightly posh and fancy before the turned to each other. Cheeky grins filling their lips before they started running, turning the corner before stopping opposite McDonald's.  

Just talking and laughing the night away as they ate, making strange faces as they tried drinking their milkshakes that were still solid. Smiling to strangers who stared at them for looking so dressed up just to eat in a McDonald's. 

Once they finished their meal they decided a movie wouldnt be so bad and jumanji did come out last week. Both getting a box of popcorn each and a fizzy drink before heading inside Cinema room 2. Leaning their heads together as they just enjoyed the time together even with others in the cinema room talking as they waited for the movie to start. Lacing their fingers together, leaving the popcorn for the movie only and sharing a quick kiss as the adverts came on. 

They felt teens again as they tried to hold back their laughs like they be seen as wired by their friends if they didnt laugh together but they both gave up trying to fit in. Both just laughing at the parts they enjoyed and whispering to each other side comments earning the other to laugh a little more. Popcorn boxes on the floor once fully finished and they just cuddled up with the arm rest in the middle digging into their sides but neither cared. 

It was around midnight as the movie ended and they walked out hand in hand, deciding to walk home since it was only a thirty minutes walk. Swinging their hands that was still laced together. Talking about the movie and looking to the stars enjoying the view. 

Everything just seemed more brighter ... More Beautiful in their eyes when they were together.

Keith stopped as Pidge pulled her hand free and he watched her glance around making sure no one else was around before pulling her cardigan of before tying it around her waste. Rosy cheeks before she held his hand again.

"Its too dark for anyone to see, I wanted to be a little normal for our date but I still don't think I can proudly show them off" Pidge mumbled with slight worry as they started walking again and Keith knew she meant her scars.

"Just know I think your beautiful with or without them" Keith whispered lifting her hand to his lips pressing a kiss to her hand. 

"I love you" Pidge smiled warmly, her hazel eyes glancing to him knowing her life would be just perfect as long as he stood beside her.

"I love you" Keith smiled softly, warmth filling his eyes before pulling her into a loving kiss feeling her melt into it as much as he did and know he wouldnt want anyone else in his life. 

Both slowly opening their eyes as they pulled from the kiss, just looking to the other with pure love and knowing they made heir right choice. 

"Will you make me the most happiest man alive by being my girlfriend" Keith asked with a gentle smile, his eyes filled with love for her and her alone.

"Yes" Pidge breath as a smile filled her lips, love filling her own eyes as she looked to him and him alone. 

"Lets go home" Keith smiled, taking her hand in his as they walked side together not as two but as one, their love joining them together as a couple who finally got their happy ending.

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