Chapter 9.

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"Hey Adam" Shiro weakly smiled as he sat on the hospital break room with his fiancé but just finishing eating their lunch together.

"Yeah" Adam asked as he looked to his fiancé, taking his hand in his.

"Can you do some digging for me" Shiro replied unsure as he turned to look at his lover who eyes seemed unsure.

"Digging into who, I'm a doctor not a cop" Adam joked and squeaked his lover hand to clam him.

"Into Pidge Gunderson, If I use the system at the station to look into her file then it would let Iverson know. But if you just checked her health file to see basic details then no one would know" Shiro mumbled feeling bad about asking.

"Her knowing I helped with the case has gotten to you, hasn't it" Adam frowned and Shiro nodded with worry.

"I had your last name as mine own, we did it so the guy father men wouldnt hassle you into giving false evidence or changing the files. Yet she knows its you, something not right" Shiro huffed back.

"Pidge is a good person, she looks into a case file more then most would. Your seen her skills during a autopsy. If she knows the guy needs to go down then she does extra digging to help gain extra evidence or clues for the cops. She may have not seen my name but she saw my half of the file on the victims from eight years ago. She knows my style and knows me, she could have just worked it out without even knowing. But I give you her basic info since there isn't much, it seems she came from not a so nice background and started a new life here. So, we only have her details since she moved to this city but I've worked with her and even helped to teach her while she was in collage, she not an enemy" Adam explained with a kind smile looked to his lover.

"You really trust her" Shiro asked and Adam nodded with a sweet smile.

"I do" Adam promised and Shiro smiled.

"Then dont check her out, I trust in your gut feeling and I wont push for something when I dont need too" Shiro smiled and kissed Adam before standing up.

"Thank you" Adam smiled sweetly and Shiro nodded before walking away.

Shiro left the hospital and headed back to the station to get back to work. He walked in on the main floor remembering Keith, Lance and Pidge was eating at the officers own desk since Lance didnt enjoy eating in Pidge labs. Matt was eating somewhere private since he wanted to call his wife and talk with her as he ate. 

Shiro walked into the station finding Matt walking up the four steps that lead to the officers desks area of the station. Catching up with his partner the two talked a little before stopping and seeing the other three with James just laughing.

"So, is Adam gonna look into her" Matt asked as he glanced to Shiro.

"He trusts her, that's all I need to hear" Shiro replied and Matt nodded.

"Doesn't she remind you of" Matt started to say with a small smile as he looked to Pidge laughing, leaning on Keith to stop herself from falling over.

"She really does but we both know she isn't" Shiro interrupted with a slight smile.

"When we catch this guy, we get him to tell us where he  hid her body. Its been eight years and I dont think I'll handle looking at the sight of her remains but she deserves to be buried" Matt frowned and looked to the ground.

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