Chapter 12.

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"Pidge" Keith sighed as they walked threw the maze once again, her arm around his waste while his arm was around her shoulder to help him walk along. 

"I learned to live with myself, When I woke up after he drank me dry and found myself still laying on his bed I just ran. I couldn't even return to my family since I was so ashamed of myself. My body covered in new and old wounds that turned into scars while my body no longer felt human" Pidge weakly spoke, tensing and shaking slightly making Keith glance to her with worry as he felt her fear while they walked.

"I still felt his touch and couldn't handle who I was anymore and I knew I couldn't let my family see me as this new person. I ran and ran, letting the case be closed down as I was assumed dead. I cut my hair and changed myself to be Pidge Gunderson before be coroner. It was my new start in life, someone that I didnt need to be ashamed off or feel disgusted with. I was no longer afraid and I was able to live once more. I was happy" Pidge spoke in a small voice before smiling a little as she talked about who she became. 

"Then stay as Pidge Gunderson, You don't need to go back to the past nor do you need to become someone else. Just be you, I trust you Pidge and I want you to stay happy and I'm going to protect you becuase I dont want to lose you" Keith smiled gently as he looked to her tightening his arm around her shoulders pulling her into a semi side hug without harming each of them. 

"You really want me to stay" Pidge asked surprised and Keith chuckled.

"Yes, I do. Your irreplaceable to me and Life without you with wouldnt be worth living" Keith smiled softly with rosy cheeks before noticing a blush filling Pidge cheeks and started to panic. 

"I-I m-mean If you left then I would be stuck with Lance all day without anyone to save me. Then I also be trapped with James and Iverson all alone, I need you Pidge or I think I would shoot the station up daily" Keith replied trying to keep his cool and calm his burning cheeks turning as Pidge giggled.

"Wow life would be hell for you if I left, Well good thing I dont plan on leaving" Pidge grinned making Keith chuckle.

"Good otherwise I might have even cry even I got stuck with Lance alone" Keith smirked making her laugh beside him.

"A crying Keith, ooh that sounds a little cute maybe I should leave just to see it" Pidge teased and Keith rolled his eyes. 

"Well I'm glad me maybe crying has put a smile on your face, I rather having a teasing grinning Pidge then a broken one" Keith smiled slightly and looked back to the ground as they walked.

"Well when we escape this maze, I'll tease you non stop for the rest of your life" Pidge smirked and Keith gave a slight nod. But both frowning as they turned into a dead end making them turn round. 

"How the hell do we get out of this maze" Keith grumbled as he looked around.

"No Clue" Pidge sighed and Keith groaned a little.

"Lets just cut threw the maze" Keith spoke up with slight hope and lifted his free hand making his nails grown like claws.

"Nope, Shiro would kill us trust me" Pidge warned.

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