Chapter 11.

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"Whoa Pidgey ... you actually look like a decent lady" Lance mutter impressed as he stood on the path outside the huge building holding the ball inside, Matt beside him as they shared the car ride. Lance was in a navy blue suit with a dark blue long sleeve shirt with a light blue bowtie, his hair gel back.

"Wow and I almost thought you might have been a true gentlemen for a sec in that suit but your goofy face says otherwise" Pidge sass back as she walked over with Keith, Adam and Shiro.

"Lets just head inside before you two claws pop out" Keith teased as he looked to the two, watching them both stick their tongues out at him.

"Alright children, remember once we inside we all strangers. Me and Lance will keep an eye on Allura who we guessing is the target. Shiro and Adam will keep an eye out for the suspect while Pidge tries to be the new bait with Keith keeping an eye on her" Matt spoke up as he placed his hands on his hip. He was in a grey suit with a silver shirt and a brown tie, his long hair in a neat pony tail with a brown bow.

"It feels strange being involved with an undercover mission but then again we all know the suspect wouldnt just let himself be arrest without a good fight. Your gonna need a doctor nearby" Adam mumbled as he looked to the others while holding Shiro hand to calm his nerves. Matt was in a black suit with wipe stripes and a white shirt with a grey bowtie.

"I'm sure we wont need your medical skills, we going to find him and take him down before he can cause any trouble or danger. We going to just be fine" Shiro smiled kindly as he squeezed his fiancé hand a little. Shiro was in a black silk suit with a black shirt and a white tie with his hair smooth back.

"You'll never leave my sight" Keith whispered with a small smile as he slide his hand into Pidges, lacing their fingers before giving a small squeeze.

"Save me a dance" Pidge whispered back with a sweet smile and Keith gave her a slight nod before they released their hands.

Soon the group was inside, everyone standing in different areas, two looking out for the suspects, two keeping an eye on Allura at all times and Keith watching a nervous unsure Pidge standing by the wall failing at talking with other guests. He chuckled as she took a glass of wine before spitting it back into the glass when it clearly wasn't to her liking making her hide the glass on a window edge and walk away.

It was two hours into the ball and nothing happened so far, no sight of the suspect and Allura seemed perfectly fine. The guests was dancing, drinking, talking and laughing non stop, all huddling in groups for business or pleasure.

But while everything seemed to be going smoothly, Pidge needed some air before she passed out. She looked around the room in hopes of seeing one of the others or Keith to mouth that she needed some air but the guests was blocking her view all over. She couldn't find anyone and started walking, trying to squeeze past others.

She came to a stop by one of the huge long windows, looking out to the dark sky and feeling how cold the glass of the window was with her hand. Noticing how no stars could be see due to it being a cloudy night.

"Its rather hot in here" A low smooth voice spoke behind her making her glance to the stranger.

"It truly is, excuse me I think I may go fetch a drink" Pidge smiled slightly as she gave a slight head bow to the man.

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