Chapter 26.

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"Sorry but what" Pidge asked in pure shock, her eyes wide as she stared at the girl who sat beside her on the park bench, both of them finishing their bacon roll from the food truck known as mama kitchen. They did the best bacon rolls in the whole world, it was the girls secret food place when they met up or had a girl day, they would surely got there first. 

"I'm dying Pidge" Shay frowned as she lowered her head looking into her lap and playing with the napkin given with the bacon roll.

"But how" Pidge asked like an idiot. 

"I have a bad heart, always have since I was thirteen but It got fixed and I just had to keep taking my medication. But now, it seems to have gotten weak again" Shay explained in a small voice, she really wanted to live a fully life with the man she loved and watch her sons grow up.

"Will you tell Hunk" Pidge asked with worry, placing her napkin in her down beside her since their were no winds. 

"Not yet, the doctor worried over me giving birth to this little one" Shay admitted placing a hand on her eight month pregant stomach. Its been almost a year since Lotor was locked away for good and Shay got pregant. A little girl she and Hunk is expecting in just  a month. 

"What are your options" Pidge asked with slight fear, already guessing the answer by Shay telling her the sad news.

"I think you already know but I rejected them, I took the most dangerous one and chose to give birth to my daughter. That's why I was working more shifts trying to help hunk to have extra money for the new baby in case I won't be around to help bring her up" Shay replied with a small smile turning to Pidge. 

"Hunk is too nice to ever hate the baby or blame her for your death but are you sure about this. You don't need to get rid of her nor risk your life as a human. Their a way you can both live" Pidge spoke up in a small voice, lowing her head in slight shame for even bringing up the idea.

"I won't be turned into a vampire, I'm sorry Pidge but I just can't. I lost my family to vampires, only me and my brother surviving but even my own brother took his own life at the thought of monstrous blood within him. He wasn't turned but he hated that a vampire who killed our parents and grandmother also drank from but he lived barely. I don't hate you nor Keith or even James even when he use to be a jerk because I know your all good vampires but the thought of me being one or my child, I hate it. I can't be something that could one day take away another person family due to blood lust" Shay replied with a frown, pained eyes as she turned to the sky not wanting to see Pidge reaction over her words.

"Don't blame you, its scary knowing you can lose control one day and just kill a person just for their blood. Ruin a whole family, a child future over a single mistake where you lost control. Its scary knowing your a monster just living in a safe dream until your awoken but it can save a person too. Your whole family is gone Shay but your new one is waiting at the café for you to come home and soon the baby within you will grow up never knowing her own mother. Photos and stories will never be the same as a mother love or a father love, she deserves to meet you and I never said for you to turn into a vampire" Pidge frowned, lifting her head to look at the flowers in the ground opposite.

"Then what are you saying" Shay asked confused, turning to Pidge.

"Vampires have slight healing powers, I'm not telling you to live forever but start getting V-blood IV drip. It will give you ten years, enough time to raise her a little and give her the feel of a mother love. It give her memories of you that might fade but the warmth given by you will always stay" Pidge smiled softly as she turned to Shay. 

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