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Once everyone was out of the house, we all lined up in the street in front of Number 4 Privet Drive. Mad-Eye stood in front of us as Harry got into the motorbike with Hagrid, some got on brooms, others on Threstrals. I got on my broom alone.

"Head for the Burrows," Mad-Eye instructed. "We rendezvous there."

Harry looked up at me from the sidecar of the bike. I gave him a quick, closed-lipped smile, and looked back to Mad-Eye.

"On the count of three! 




I leaned forward on my Firebolt and took off after the people in front of me, the ones behind me following closely behind. I wanted to turn and see if Harry was up, but there was no time.

For a moment, the flight was peaceful. The only unsettling thing was the flashes of silent lightning above the clouds, but even they didn't bother me much.

But, then, the lightning struck, cracking in the silence. The clouds parted and the smoking black figures of flying Death Eaters surrounded all of us.

Hesitating, I slowed my broom and reached for my wand, but Lupin rushed past me with George behind him. "Don't stop! Get to the Burrow!" He yelled.

So, I flew on, dodging spells by turning and diving and twisting in the air. To calm myself, I took a few deep breaths and thought of it as a Quidditch game. The Death Eaters were the other team, the jets of bright spells were just bludgers.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes briefly to focus. When I opened them, I let out a yell of surprise. It was Draco. Only... it couldn't be.

He wasn't flying like the Death Eaters, but he wasn't on a broom or anything. He was standing, in the middle of the sky, right in front of me, looking as surprised as I felt.

"Giovanna..." He trailed off, making it sound like a question.

Suddenly, my feelings of confusion disappeared. They were replaced by the whole and complete anger I've felt for him ever since that night, and I scowled, whipping out my wand.

"Stupefy!" I yelled, blinking as the flash of red hit Draco. Only, when I opened my eyes, Draco wasn't there. It was a Death Eater the spell had hit, making him fly backwards. I shook my head, ignoring my confusion as I continued flying.

I blasted a few more stunning spells at Death Eaters that were hurtling past, trying to push through to get to the Burrow. I saw Lupin fly by again, holding onto George tightly- he was bleeding.

"Lupin, what-" I tried.

"Go!" He yelled, and I sped off.

A blast of fire erupted somewhere in front of me, and I knew it had to be Harry and Hagrid on the motorbike. I flew towards it and saw three Death Eaters flying after my brother. "Impedimenta!" I yelled, sending one of them flying off to the side. 

𝐒𝐍𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐒 & 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 | draco malfoy [7]Where stories live. Discover now