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Desirée POV

I woke up around 6:00 in the evening. My body was feeling better then before.
How long did I sleep in the afternoon?

Cool Breeze was entering my room through the window. I decided to go to the balcony and get some fresh air. I stood there watching the beautiful sunset.
On the side way by the seashore I saw the two lunatics enjoying their freedom.

Whenever I asked them if I could go to the sea they would make sure to tag along 10 bodyguards and now they are enjoying their alone time without any of the bodyguards interfering their privacy. But at least they looked chilled out now.
Earlier that day the two of them freaking behaved like they were ready to slaughter any person that came through the door.

Although my company was not good but the place , food and amenities were out of my life expectation. Never even in my dreams had I thought about such a luxury. The orphanage did good to shutter my dreams.

I became a Pessimistic person and the only thing that was good in my life was Ryan. It was almost a month.

I don't know what he was doing right now. He must have filed a a missing complaint but I don't think Cops could do anything because I was far away from all of them into an isolated Island.
I watched as the to lunatics started heading towards the mansion and within few minutes they entered my room. I turned around as I saw them approaching me.

Demon's hand was wrapped in a bandage. I don't know what came over me but took hold of his Palm and kissed on his wounded hand.

I know why I did that. Whenever I I got injured Ryan used to do the same to me. He said that the pain will go away soon if you kissed the wound. But I felt so awkward that I didn't waited a single second for them to ask me anything. I immediately left the room and went to the dining table as I was hungry.
They too joined me very soon. As the maid was serving I just concentrated on her. But I could feel their eyes on me. The best way to ignore them was to concentrate on the beautiful platter in front of me.
When they understood that I was not going to look at them Demon finally spoke.
"Why did you do that Desirée? "

I decided to ignore his question. Before he could say anything further I took the last bite of the food and ran upstairs. I could hear them laughing, well most probably on my antiques.

I entered the washroom and started removing my clothes. When I removed my panty I saw red patches.

Crap! I forgot about my periods because of the stress there putting me through. It wasn't unusual for me to get period late.
I usually had irregular periods because most of the time my periods came after 3-4 months it was never fixed so I really didn't paid heed to it.

Now what should I do. I started checking the bathroom cabinet to see if they have any menstrual pad or not.
And as I expected there were none. Of course why would they have pad in men's washroom. But i have to ask someone to get me pad and i definitely don't want to ask them.
And as  if my prayer went to deaf ears , i heard them enter the room.

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