A smidget

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Elena woke up to the gulping noise by her side. She stretched her neck which was cramped as she slept on the couch.
To her right was Mike drinking an other bottle of whiskey.

Elena,who was annoyed beyond comprehension, gazed at Mike, her cheeks reddened in rage.

She eyed him absolute displeasure and asked " what do you think you are doing? "

"drinking"he said.

"can I know why is it? "she asked .

"because, I can't forget Kaitlyn. My life is worthless. "he wailed.

"this son of a bitch"she mumbled under her breath fastening her hair into the bun on the top of her head. She picked up the broomstick from the attic , took the bottle of whiskey and and emptied it's contents on the rug.

"Why did you do it"he asked with a baby face.

"because I have heard alcohol clears stain"she replied with a sarcastic tone underlying her voice her hand resting on her hips and other held the broom which she held like a staff.

Mike clearly knew not to argue when Elena is mad declared that he was going to get a bottle of whiskey.

It was then her restraint deserted her. She wanked the broom. and smacked his ass hard with it.

She thrashed him ceaselessly left and right yelling "you didn't even care for that bitch before. Now you want to use her as an excuse to destroy your life"

Mike begged running  and pacing to avoid thrashing like a kid"dont hit me elena"

"yesterday you would have been dead, before you get over mourning we both will be dead. I was sorry and now the lax you are clearly taking advantage "she said chasing mike around the living room flogging him with her broomstick.

"ouch, no, who is Kaitlyn? I don't know her,  I already forgot her, it hurts...it really hurts... Don't hit me"he yelped.

Suddenly the doorbell rang

She pranced towards the door slamming it open and hollered "what do you want?"

Mr Stanley was unnerved to find an young girl bawling at him for sounding the doorbell.

He rechecked the door No.  This seems to the correct house.

"I am an investigation officer assigned for the investigation of the murder of Kaitlyn and the break in in your house. "he said eyeing her broomstick and Mike craning from behind the couch.

Elena stumbled dropping the broom with a false smile welcomed the officer inside and with a soft voice called "Mike you can come now"

Mike walked in shaking hands with the officer.

Mr Stanley couldn't help but chuckle as Mike rubbed his sore arse and shoulder as he sat down on the sofa.

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