to change your world

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"i'm kinda scared..." i confessed.

me, jungkook, jimin and hoseok are currently having a sleepover in jungkook's apartment. tomorrow is graduation and we're just laying on the floor, engrossed in conversation.

"why?" jimin asked worriedly.

"because i don't know what my future will be like. i have a dream and i know what i want, it just feels so out of reach." i explained.

"everyone feels like that at some point of their life." hoseok reassured.

"it's just that i don't know how to get out of that mindset..." i mentioned.

"what is that dream?" jungkook asked.

"i want to live somewhere safe and i want to be around people that i love, who love me back. i've just never had that before so it feels almost impossible. i-i know that i've received so much love recently and that i have all of you but it's my insecurities that makes me doubt myself. my brain keeps telling me that i'm unloveable and that all of this happiness around me will be gone soon. then I'll be back at square one." i explained as everyone listened intently.

"we all do love you, tae..." jungkook said, moving closer and holding me.

"that's right, never doubt our love!" jimin added with a serious tone, moving over to hug me as well.

"we care about you, more than you think. don't doubt yourself, you're never going to be unloveable." hoseok reassured, joining the group hug.

"i-i love you all too..." i chocked our before crying.

"no no no, don't cry! i'll cry too..." jimin begged, soon following along.

jungkook and hoseok tried to comfort us as we held each other. i'm so grateful to have met such amazing and accepting people. never in my wildest dreams had i thought that i would be here right now, like this, with my closest friends, and loving boyfriend.

euphoria, a very new feeling to me, it's beautiful and i never want to lose it.

painless | j.jk x k.thWhere stories live. Discover now