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“Do you remember?” A lady you suddenly don’t remember sitting in front of you asks.

“Remember what?”

“Age seventeen?” She talks quietly as if speaking too loud will startle you away like a wild animal.

“Are we still talking about my dreams?”

She writes down on her notepad and you play with your fingers, hooking them together and pulling as hard as you can.

She glances at your hands and you stop.

“You don’t come here as much anymore, (y/n).” She mentions and you rub at your neck.

“I’ve been okay lately, I didn’t think I still needed to.” You smile momentarily and she blinks, taking off her glasses and setting them down on the table between you two.

“What made you come back then?” She asks and you hesitate.

What did make you come back?

“I’m, helping these hybrids.”


“But my hybrids back home aren’t supportive, which is upsetting taking their cases.”

“Mm, is it all of them?”

“No, just two..” You say quietly as she starts writing down on her pad again. You look down at your lap and lift it with an inhale.

“Do you think I’m doing the right thing?” You ask.

She seems confused and taken slightly aback at your request of a second opinion.


“Helping the hybrids at the shelter.”

“I don’t see why you wouldn’t be. You’re helping someone when they need it. Speaking of which,” she pulls out a second pad and flips through it.

“How are you coping?”


“Age seventeen.” She says again as if you understand.

“You’ve repressed it..” She writes down in the newer pad and you suddenly start to feel warm.

“D-did I?”

“It’s alright. Although I don’t really recommend that I think it’s alright for now until you’re ready.”

She throws the notepad on the table which causes it to sound like a harsh slap of leather and stands, causing you to flinch and scoot away on the couch.

She looks at you and then at the pad, then gasps.

“Oh, I’m so sorry.” She covers her mouth and takes a step closer but you scoot away faster.

She sighs sadly and covers her face.

“I’m, very very sorry..I didn’t mean to do that, there was a spider on the table.” She rips out the sheet that had made extreme contact with said spider and throws it out.

“I-it’s alright..”

“But,” she says softly once again.

“Do, you remember why that scares you?”

“I’d rather not.”

“I know, but do you?”

“Kind of, but I’m trying extremely hard not to.” You whisper and slowly stand, calling Hoseok who is currently at work.


“Pick me up, bring Jin to take my car.” You demand and walk out with a shiver.

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