An eerie place

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"There are many small mountains surrounding this mountain but no one lives there. I'm taking a stroll around when accidentally I found a eternal dream lotus in full bloom. Just as I move towards it to pick it, I..." Ryan felt embarrassed to say that he fell down but the ones hearing understood what happened.

"How much time it will take to get there?" Rose asked Ryan who instantly replied. "Maybe two hours if we fly." Rose and the others got up to leave. "I forgot to ask, what's that lotus you spoke of?" Ryan stumbled hearing her question and looked at her like 'you don't even know that?'

"Eternal dream lotus has the power to cure anything. It can even drag back a person from death's door. And what's more,it will only bloom once every thousand years." Rose's eyes opened wide in surprise. She didn't know such a thing exists. Rose decided to acquire it at any cost and the four members left for the said place.

With Brenton's help,they arrived in afternoon. They found an azure lotus silently sitting beside a rock emitting a blue light. Rose used her mana to wrap around the lotus and slowly plucked it with its vines. The lotus is big with hundred long petals. She put the lotus in her space and decided to raise it to see if it will give birth to another bud.

Rose smiled contently accomplishing that and turned to see three shocked faces looking at her. "This...""How...?""Am I dreaming?" Zane, Brenton and Ryan were confused at the scene that just happened. Rose is also confused seeing them like that so she called them to woke them from daze.

Ryan started questioning"Rose, how did you do that? That lotus is famous for devouring the mana if it touches the petals." Rose now understood why they are like that and started explaining. " What you said is true. It indeed devoured my mana. So I used my mana to manipulate the mana around the lotus in plucking it so it won't notice my mana."

Rose calm explanation startled them. They didn't think of that possibility. Before they utter another word, the ground where the lotus was turned into a staircase leading downwards. Rose turned to see Ryan nodding that it's the place.

They slowly made their way to the staircase and started descending. Rose was shocked when she reached the bottom of the stairs which is a cave. The place is looking eerie with gloomy aura. 'It will be a nice location for shooting horror movies.'

Walking further they reached the door Ryan said. Rose told them not to touch the door and started removing the curse using her light magic. Since the curse is very complex, Rose spent a whole day undoing it.

Rose felt that her body can't stand it any longer if it took longer. Rose sat on the ground panting heavily the moment she removed the curse. The trio worriedly came to her side seeing her suddenly falling to the ground. Rose used Zane as a pillow and slept for sometime to regain her mana telling them that she's fine.

Rose woke up next day cheerfully. Rose went to the door and is in a conflict whether to open it since she didn't know what's inside. Steeling herself Rose opened the door to see the same lady she saw before in her dream smiling at them.

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