BNHA Part 17

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Midoriya and Bakugo continue running to the escape gate.

Midoriya:We're almost there! We just have to make it to the gate! A little further! Looks kind of ridiculous,but if we can get through,we pass the final exam! It doesn't look like All Might is chasing us,don't tell me we actually knocked him out back there!

Bakugo:Of course not! You're the one who keeps crying about how it's impossible to actually beat him! There's no way that attack KO'd him. When he catches up to us,it'll be MY turn to blast him to hell with the gauntlet! | All Might:*distant* Interesting! (then appears between them) Then what will you do?

Bakugo quickly readies his gauntlet but All Might immediately destroyed it.

All Might:Don't tell me you're surprised...

All Might then destroy the gauntlet Midoriya has.

All Might:Ha Ha! Alright,heroes! Now it's time for you both to die!

All Might knee'd Bakugo and launched him to the top of the building.


All Might grabbed Midoriya's hand as he was going to Bakugo.

Bakugo:*emerges from the building* That's my line!

Bakugo charges toward All Might but he interrupted him by smacking him with Midoriya's body. Everybody gasp in shock as they continue to watch the screen.

All Might:Ah! Well isn't that wonderful,boys. You cooperated,however reluctantly and faced me together. (he holds up Midoriya by his hand while he pushes down his foot on Bakugo's chest) Sadly,that's not enough. Cooperation wasn't an option,it's a prerequisite for this exam!

Midoriya struggles to get out of his grip while Bakugo laid on the ground,finally realizing how powerful All Might really is.

All Might:What kind of face is that to make,Young Midoriya? (He throws Midoriya a few meters from him) You plan to get away from me using maximum firepower,and then make a run to the escape gate. It wasn't a terrible strategy,all things considered,but now that I destroyed Young Bakugo's gauntlets,you've lost your heavy attack. You're helpless...This is over. | Bakugo:SHUT. UP!!!!! | All Might:Hm?

One of Bakugo's hand sparked,then released a gigantic explosion right at All Might's feet. Dust covered the cameras and we couldn't see what was happening next.

Bakugo:Get ready to fly! | Midoriya:Huh?! | Bakugo:I don't like the idea of running,but with the crapfest we're in right now,this is the only way to pass the practical! (Midoriya tries to argue with him) NOW DIE!!!

Another explosion was seen and it cleared the dust,to which we immediately see Midoriya flying through the air.

All Might:New Hampshire...SMASH!!!

All Might's body was seen as he slammed his body to Midoriya's spine.

Aeden:What the--!? | Bakugo:Damn it!

All Might:*Midoriya screams in pain* Come now,you're too naive,heroes! | Bakugo:*Midoriya's body bounce on the ground then to the side of the bus* Those gauntlets were only so I could use maximum firepower without no risk,but now I see that was stupid.

I wasn't able to hear what he said next as the popping from the palm of his hands were somehow muffling him. In any case,he blasted All Might with another huge explosion,and this time it was directly from his hands,not the gauntlets.

Clyde:Another huge explosion just like at the Sports Festival. | Aeden:And that's two of them...

Bakugo:DEKU GO!!! HURRY UP!!!

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