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There is mentioning of someone being shot, but nothing big.


"He will make a fine heir. Have the woman 'paid'."

"Of course, sir."

The man of stature held the baby boy in his arms, cradling him. He walked swiftly out of the building, boy in strong gripe. He would never know the face of his mother. She had been dealt with, 'paid' for her services. The pistol was never heard, only the thud of the body hitting the floor. She had tried to put up a fight but had been dealt a bad hand of cards.

"Now my boy, to groom you as I see fit."

-----Some Years Later-----

"Father, look what I drew for you."

Sound of pen scratching away on paper was his reply. He held the drawing up higher, thinking his old man couldn't see. Making weird noises, having trouble holding it up.

"See, it's you in the big building with the giant R, and I'm in the little building cause I'm gonna be just like you."

He cheered, proud of himself. He was going to be just like his old man, having grunts do all the dirty work. Run the group form on up high. He gasp as pen slammed onto the surface of the desk.


"Yes, Father?"

Arms caressed the head of the Persian in his lap. His other hand busy tapping his fingers across the desk, almost glaring down at his boy.

"What have I told you?"

His son stuttered form the gaze his old man gave, piercing just like his pet. He gulped, knowing it was more of a statement then a question.

"If I have time to waste drawing, I could be studying."

The boy was clever, but no cigar.

"The be off with you."

The boy's feet dragged, head tucked low, beaten almost. Eye's watched his body language. His ears were meet with a sigh.

"Hold it."

Pausing, he heard shuffling behind him, the chair creaked. Shoes rubbed carpet the wrong way, then stop. He felt a hand on his shoulder, patting like. He grinned beaming.

"Shoulders back, head up, hangs relaxed at side-"

As he spoke he corrected his son, who did as told. He was pushed on walking as he was instructed. Nodding his Father returned to his desk.

"Care to give it another try?"

He stepped back to the front of the desk, walking away as he had been told to do. His hand reached the door, picture forgotten on the floor.

"Moving along, books don't study themselves."

Stepping through the door and shutting it was all it took. He ran to his own room where fresh tears fell.

-----Few More Years-----

Sitting at his own desk he grew board of studying, he knew the book front to back and back to front. How was he to break this cycle of day in, day out. He knew the old man was having a meeting with a field agent, maybe he could sneak a listen. He grinned, that's what he would do. He tip-toed to the meeting room. Luckily it was still going, he cracked the door open and moved over to the set of double doors and listened in.

"Agents are moving closer and closer every day. They will catch on soon if we don't keep it down or-"

"Silents, don't you dare forget who your talking to Matis. I can easily end your service."

"Aye Sir."

"Anything important to report?"


"How's your little girl?"


A field agent had a kid too? Maybe-


He nodded, of course he knew to be quiet, why else would he. He turned to look where the sound had come form. He was meet with a face grinning at him. He gulped, waved back as he was waved too. Motioned to follow he did, outside the office lobby.

"Ummm Hi."

"I've never seen you before. Are you new? How old are you? Can we be friends? I get lonely cause Daddy won't let me play here. I like to climb things. I also like stories, do you have any good stories?"

He stared at the girl before him as she spoke and asked to many questions. He nodded not really understanding. Blinking he felt his wrist grabbed and lead over to a chair where she pushed him into, taking the floor in front of him she waited. And waited. What did she want. Her eyes glued to his. He gulped again. What had been the last thing she said? Stories? She wanted to hear a story....

-----Few Hours later-----

"You dare interact with someone far below your stature. A lowly girl, a grunts girl."

"She wanted a story, why is that so-"


The sound of skin on skin echoed. His head was now turned to the side, a burning pain in his cheek.

"I care not for what she wanted or what the reason. You disobeyed me and will be punished."

"But Father-"

"Enough. I am tired of your rebelling. It's time for you to learn once and for all."

That was the day his life changed. For once, he knew something but loneliness and boredom, another he knew to fear his Father, who marked him for the rest of his life.

-----An Unknown amount of time later-----

"You could never beat me. Not even when we wrestled as kids."

"Who are you? How?"

"How can you not remember me? Kamon..."

Her voice was familiar. Why couldn't he place her and then it hit him. Her shit eating grin, the cocky look. The way she spun her Pokeball on her finger.


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