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First of all, is everyone safe? Make sure to maintain proper hygiene and wear masks and be careful when you go out.

Now second...I'm still alive!!

I have been writing all this time. Now guys, i know it's been like months, but I'm back.

And I'm going to be honest with you guys. I've been going through writer's block during that duration and I kept trying to force myself to write something, but every piece I wrote just didn't fit right and it frustrated me. I'm so sorry for taking so long, but after going back and reading through the story, I got some ideas and continued to write.

I'm so sorry you guys had to deal with this wait and it's my fault. Writing has been hard lately and I just didn't know what to write after a dialogue or how to describe something that way I wanted it to be described. It even got harder because English isn't my first language, but I won't let that be the excuse to stop writing. I want to keep writing so I'll do my best with learning English. So I took a short break.


here's the good news!



Now you might be wondering, why haven't you published them, blaze?

Here's the answer:

If you guys know me and read the AN's and Extras, I like to write loads of chapters before publishing them. Remember in Sky's Mystery where I published about 10+ chapters at the same time? There was comment that came to my attention and it was about how I published so many chapters. I'm not trying to blame this person, I am only trying to do what you guys are comfortable with.

They said that they didn't want notifications to blow up on their phone and I sincerely apologize for that. I know that some people find that annoying, when a sudden barrage of notifications blow up on your phone and I do not wish to annoy you guys,

So I am letting you guys decide. I already have finished every chapter of the story and I want to hear your opinion.

Should I publish it all at once?

Or publish once or twice a day?

Because I know there are some of you who want to have it published all at once, but I worry about the others' concerns so let's put it to a majority vote. Once again, I apologize for the long wait, thank you for reading!

This note is also another apology note. I was not in an Hiatus, I was working on the chapters and their ready.

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