Ch. 11: Brewing Storm

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Naina choked fully. A piece of something had lodged itself in the back of her throat and she gasped, signaling she couldn't breathe. Pain and panic filled her like water had forced itself into her lungs.

Someone swiftly grabbed her and pumped their fists up and into her abdomen. She felt like a weak rag doll being thrown around.

After a few punches, something hacked itself out and landed like a slimy glob onto the pristine granite counter. The splat echoed in the silent restaurant.

Dominic stood next to her, holding out a glass of water, while upon Lauren's face, an uncharacteristic expression of worry seemed to unfold.

Naina turned to her savior.

Randy stood behind her, looking worried out of his mind.

"Naina! Sweetheart, ya alright?" His voice was soft and caring, and he smoothed her hair a little.

She nodded and sipped at the glass of water.

"I didn't hurt ya did I?" he asked. His eyes still roamed her face, as if trying to detect a lie.

She gurgled a laughed and shook her head. "Of course not!" she gasped out. "You saved me. Like seriously, I owe you a ton."

He grinned finally and fixed his cowboy hat, which had tilted sideways. "No needs to worry. Juz helping you out hon'. You check yourself out at the hospital 'kay?"

She shrugged. "I think I feel okay—"

"Please do it. For my sake. You never know." The smile faded from his face, and he knit his eyebrows close together.

She paused, remembering something from a CPR class. Just because she was breathing and alive, it didn't mean that everything was okay. "Okay, I will," she agreed.

The smile that returned warmed her heart. He stayed with her a few more moments, talking excitedly with Dominic about the ranch's beautiful setting and the upcoming wedding. After ordering the large brisket platter, he moved to one of the booths.

Deme wore a half amused, half worried look; her lips kept twitching, but her sky-blue eyes had a certain fear within them. "I'll drive you right now," she offered.

"Seriously, I'm okay. Let's go after you're done." Naina rubbed her throat. The sensation still hadn't left it and she swallowed some more water.

The burrito sat alone on the counter, as did the glob of whatever. Naina packaged away the food and doused the counter in disinfectant.

When they were finally in Deme's car, Naina said, "Okay, get out your laughs."

"Love, I'm not gonna laugh at that."


"Okay," Deme said, relenting a bit. "It was a bit funny. Choking on a thick burrito. But I'm not going to laugh at you."

She took a shaky breath and continued. "I mean, I panicked and couldn't do anything when you held your throat. If Randy hadn't been there..."

Deme gripped the steering wheel tighter, causing her knuckles to pale. The wheel shook a bit, as if her anxiety was being forced into it.

Naina chuckled nervously and put a hand on Deme's shoulder. "Hey. It's alright. And if Randy hadn't been there, some firefighter or policeman would've been. So don't worry too much."

They went to the local ER and had a scan done on Naina's chest. After being cleared by the doctor, and being prescribed some Tylenol, Deme dropped her off at home.

"You get some well-deserved rest, m'kay missy?"

Naina sighed. "Yes ma'am."

It was past midnight by the time she came back. She wearily brushed her teeth, took a quick shower and collapsed onto her bed.

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