Ch. 31: The Home Date

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Something moved behind the woman and Naina relaxed, noticing the familiar mop of hair and grouchy expression.

In a naïve tone, Naina asked, "Really? Is that so boss? Did you tell this lady that she could keep her pet here?"

The woman staggered away as Ian walked up to their group.

His tone came out so harshly, Naina was surprised the woman didn't spontaneously combust. "No, I've never seen you before. You've got five seconds to get off this property or I'm calling the police. That means you too sir." He turned his glare to the knock off cop. "I don't think the local law enforcement appreciate people who pretend to be them."

They ran off so fast, the dude's costume tore down the middle and the woman tripped several times. Sugarpie nipped and barked as they jumped into their car and sped out, kicking up dust in their path to get away.

Ian chuckled a bit. "Always get the crazies don't you Naina?"

"I'm starting to think it's a curse. Do you think that dog's safe with that woman? I feel scared for it." Grant it, the rat dog was annoying and obviously had never been around other people, but it was an animal after all. Its personality reflected its owner's tendencies.

Ian nodded. "I'm stopping by the station later in the evening and letting them know of what happened today. Would you like to come with me?"


The rest of the day moved by steadily; no crazy dog diva women shoving their pets onto her came by. Ian shuttled the pets to their liaisons for their forever homes. He'd looked handsome in his worn out jeans and black collared tee, like a modern-day prince rescuing her from a Karen.

They had no patients by the end of the day. Kenny decided he'd venture out and check out the town.

Naina checked her little satchel. Pair of pajamas, her pack of bathroom related items, purse, phone, and other essentials all sat inside, waiting to be used.

Ian waited for her by the door of the clinic and locked it as she came out.

"I'm staying over at your place tonight right?" she asked.

He raised an eyebrow. "I didn't say anything about that did I?"

She froze; her feet went rigid and for a moment, she forgot to breath. She'd done it again! Assuming something without checking with the person who needed to hear it most.

Naina winced when Ian came close to her and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Kidding, Naina. Please, don't look so scared. You're always welcome to stay over."

Burrito yapped at them when Naina got into the car. The puppies whined from their big carrier; it was buckled in, just to be safe.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"Police station, first. I have their license plate down and all the information I could get from the three of you." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair before returning it to the wheel. "From there, we can just do whatever you want."

Whatever she wanted? When was the last time someone had asked her that? She thought about the possibilities. They could go window shopping, check out the local farmer's market or see the little summer setups the town had invested in.

They first dropped off the puppies and Burrito at his apartment. He constructed a wall of sorts, to prevent the little ones from exploring the place too much.

Then, they headed to the station. While he gave his statement and information, Naina waited outside, soaking in some sun and dusk winds. The clinic was kept at a lukewarm seventy degrees, but when summer temperatures reached almost a hundred, anything below eighty felt cold.

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