Ch. 19: Eight Pups Oh My!

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For a few heartbeats, Naina stared at her friend, who quickly finished making the drink.

"You joking," Naina said hoarsely. She cleared her throat. "I mean, you're joking, right?"

Deme shook her head; her brunette curls slapped the sides of her face. "Nope. Not joking. He was really sweet too; he actually apologized to me because he thought he'd led me on or got my hopes up. But he didn't."

Naina moved her lips but no words came out. The shock of Deme's statement rendered her unable to even croak as if someone had stolen her vocal cords.

Deme continued to speak, unaware of how stunned Naina was. "I told him what you liked, what you didn't like...he did ask why you seemed to be skittish around him, but I told him it'd be better if he asked you that."

Naina covered her face with her hands. "Oh god," she said, sounding muffled. "Please tell me you're joking."

"I already said I'm not."

"I seriously felt horrible about liking him because I thought you two were dating!" she shrieked.

At that moment, a lull in the conversation and a drop in volume of the music meant that Naina's statement was heard by everyone. A few people snickered, but then the music rolled back around and the others (she hoped) ignored her.

"So you do like him!" Deme exclaimed. "But that makes sense, he's probably the only guy you've gotten close to lately."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means, you know him better than others do, probably, and that you're more likely to crush on him. I wasn't sure you know," Deme said, raising an eyebrow. "I wanted to make sure that you liked him before giving any green signals to him."

"Don't you like him?" Naina asked. She wasn't sure if it was pain or excitement in her chest; emotions rang loud within her heart, clanging in a deafening manner.

"I was interested in him up until the moment he texted me, saying that he was interested you and wanted to know the best way to befriend you. He seems like a good guy, Naina. I thought you could have someone like him in your life. Especially considering the bastards you have gone on a date with."

"I—uh—um—" Naina babbled.

Deme laughed a little and shrugged her hair away, throwing the perfect curls to the other side. "Look, I know how you are, so I'm warning you beforehand. Do not avoid him. He's going to know something's up, okay? He seems pretty damn smart; I don't think he's clueless like the other guys you've met. And he begged me not to say anything...I can't really hide secrets from you cause you're my best friend. So please, for the love of God and me, try to act normal."

With a squeeze of Naina's hand, she moved away to a few other customers and started making their drinks.

Naina's heartbeat thundered into her ears. She wasn't sure what to say or how to say it.

Her phone rang, buzzing on top of the counter top and threatening to jump off. As she grabbed and answered it, her voice croaked a, "Hello?"

"Naina?" Ian's voice came through loud and clear, jarring up her thoughts.


"Where are you? Burrito's gone into labor. Can you still help?"


She sighed and stared at the phone after she hung up. Could she act normal? She knew how she was around men she was interested in.

How was she supposed to act normal around a guy she knew liked her?

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