Epilogue: Test Results

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Naina waited for the other side to enter the video chat room. She hadn't looked at the lab reports yet and wanted to wait for the doctor to explain them.

Her period hadn't come for at least a month and half, her boobs ached and no matter how much she slept, she always felt tired.

The cheap test from the grocery store had given her a positive. But those things had an infamous reputation for being wrong.

She had to make sure with her doctor.

The screen crackled for a bit before her gynecologist came on. "Naina! You look great. How've you been?" the older woman asked.

"Thanks Dr. Rory. I'm alright, aside from being sleepy all the time." Naina's heart sped up.

"Now if you don't mind, I'll share my screen with you. This is a secure environment so if you don't feel comfortable, I can always send it to you via snail mail and we can discuss it solely through video right now."

"No, it's alright. Please go ahead and share it with me." She had to pee again. It was the third time this morning and she hadn't even hit lunch yet.

"Okay! So, long story short, you're pregnant." Dr. Rory smiled widely and gave Naina an excited look.

At first, Naina's stomach dropped low, deep into the layers beneath the crust of the Earth. She'd been conditioned as a teen to think badly of anyone who became pregnant before being married.

But the feeling melted away as she realized no one around her would shame her for it.

"Naina? Did I lose you? Stupid technology," Dr. Rory muttered. She moved around, as if looking at her station to see what was wrong.

"No, I'm still here. You're absolutely sure?"

"Yup! See, look at these numbers right here..." The doctor explained about something related to levels and how hers were elevated in certain areas. "Everything's pointing to a positive reading. Most at home tests these days are pretty good. I guess the question now is, what are you going to do?"

Naina had confided her fears about her suspicions when she visited the office a week ago. "I'll talk about it with my partner and let you know my plan."

"Sounds good to me. Make sure you visit your primary care too, okay? Or at least let them know what's going on. I'll send these reports thru the mail, so you'll have a physical copy."

After saying goodbyes, Naina clicked off and went to rest on the sofa.

Outside, city traffic honked and bleeped their way through the busy roads. Moving to the city with Ian hadn't been a hard choice. She was just as eager as Gigi to leave the small town behind.

Dexter had taken over her job as the clinic manager. He absolutely loved the little mascot, Queso, and got along great with Kenny.

Deme had not been happy about Naina leaving but realized it was only a drive away, so they had sleepovers now and then.

She called Deme. "Hey. Guess what? I'm pregnant."

On the other side, Deme barked a laugh.

Naina stayed silent.

"Wait," Deme said slowly. "You're not joking right? Love, that's awesome! Congratulations!"

"Yeah, I'm nervous about telling him."

"Where's Ian at?"

"Work." She had a day off, from where she worked in the PR division at Darleen's company. The chairwoman had been enthusiastically happy when Naina told her about wanting to find a job.

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