•°•°• Ch12:Bodyguard •°•°•

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(Back to Sophia's POV)

"Omg Rick! Can I, at least, enter the bathroom without you following me!" I said desperately.

"You know the orders miss... I have to be with you at all times" Rick answered unfazed.

"Ugh fine! You can wait outside the bathroom" I said to which he nodded.

You might be wondering what is going on and who the hell is Rick.

Well let me explain.

Yesterday night, when we came back from the party, all my brothers and Liam bombarded me with questions about what happened, and if I'm okay, and whether Ace did something to me or threatened me….

After I told them everything they told me to go to bed, since tomorrow I have school, to which I protested on ,because firstly I needed some answers and secondly why didn't they send Will and the other two idiots to bed , they have school too!.

But did they listen? No.

Apparently they're old enough to stay awake longer. I would've accepted it if it was only Will and Alex , but Elijah too, he's only one year older for god's sake.

Okay, I admit it! I'm acting a little bit childish right now. I think the main reason was that they didn't want me to hear what they were going to talk about.

I was too tired to stay up any longer anyway .

The next morning, when I went downstairs to the kitchen, Luke was already awake and made me some breakfast.

Brent then entered the kitchen and said "good morning" Before kissing my forehead. When I looked behind him I saw a man standing at the kitchen door. He was approximately 6 feets tall with black hair and brown eye color, he looked like he's in his early 20s.

I looked back at Luke and Brent questioningly. Brent at first seemed like he forgot about the man but then he made an 'O' shape with his mouth when he released what I meant.

"Uhh Sophia this is Rick " He said motioning his hand towards the man, who's name i now know is Rick, then added " He'll be taking you to  school today… and he'll stay with you at all times , whether in class or at lunch , and you should not leave his side at all "

I looked at my two brothers shocked and said " What? Why?"

"Because Will, Alex and Elijah won't be attending their classes today since they have some.. stuff to do" Luke replied.

"What stuff?" I said, but then i changed my mind " You know what i don't want to know because obviously you're not going to tell me and because i can use a day without their annoying voices " I said while crossing my hands over my chest.

"Ouch!" I heard someone say from behind me and sure enough it was Alex.

I just rolled my eyes and directed my sight back to Luke and Brent " Why do i need a bodyguard? I'm old enough to take care of myself " I said.

"Sophia" Mason called while walking into the kitchen " You will not argue with us about this! Rick will be with you everywhere and every second until you're back from school... Do you understand?" He said, raising his eyebrow at the end.

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