•°•°• Ch14: Rage •°•°•

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Sophia's POV:

After waiting for what felt like eternity, it was only 10 minutes in reality, finally an ambulance stopped on the road next to us, behind the ambulance there was a black Range Rover, I can tell that it's my brothers.

Two paramedics ran towards us and started examining Cole and doing their job. Two hands wrapped around me and pulled me away from them, I turned around and found Luke who gave me a sad smile, I looked behind him and saw Jason kneeling next to the dead guy that Cole killed earlier, and then I turned my sight towards Mason who was speaking with one of the paramedics.They then placed Cole in the ambulance as they sped down the road.

"Are you okay bambina?" Luke asked, cupping my face and looking into my eyes.

I nodded my head in response, he didn't seem to buy it but he let it slip. I was thankful to him that he didn't push me to answer him verbally cause I couldn't trust my voice.

"Luke!" I said with a shaky voice " Is he going to be okay?" My eyes became blurry and my lips quivered as I looked at the trail of blood that was on the ground where Cole was earlier.

"Hey hey! He's gonna be okay" Luke said, turning my face away from the blood " Cole is strong! He'll be up annoying you before you notice his absence." Luke added.

Another black Range Rover stopped next to us, the front window rolled down showing a bulky man with black sunglasses " Capo abbiamo trovato un uomo svenuto non molto lontano da qui, sospettiamo che sia lui" He said and obviously i didn't understand a word, i really should learn Italian when things is back to what it was before this gloomy day.
(Boss we found a man passed out not so far away from here, we suspect that it's him).

Mason nodded at him then turned around towards me " Luke take her to the hospital and check on her wounds.. The others will be there with Cole, I'll be joining you as soon as possible " Luke nodded and pushed me gently towards the Range Rover they came with,as Mason and Jason headed towards the other one.

I buckled my seatbelt then leaned my head on the window as I thought about what's going to happen. My eyelids began to drop as I drifted into sleep.

Beep! Beep!

I tried opening my eyes but my eyelids felt so heavy and the light that's shining onto my face wasn't helping. After multiple attempts I finally opened them to be met by a white ceiling, I tried getting up but my body ached as I groaned and laid back on the bed.

Everything that happened came back crashing on me, my eyes filled up with tears but I fought them back. I looked down at my body, my arm was wrapped with a white thing.

The door to my room opened and Brent came in " Hey angel! How are you feeling?" He asked as he took a seat next to me.

"I feel like shit but it doesn't matter right now…. How's Cole?" I asked.

Brent gave me a sad look but quickly hid it " I'm sure you'll be okay by tomorrow except for your arm , you sprained it so it'll take longer to heal ,along with your bruises. They gave you some painkillers , you can be discharged when your serum is finished " .

"Why didn't you answer me? I asked you how's Cole! Did something happen to him? Please tell me he's okay" I was sobbing at this point.

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