Chapter XVI

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Aquaria got back into her dress and braided her hair, letting the braid rest over her shoulder. She left the bathroom and went down into the kitchen to see Quirin making lunch.

"Can I help?" She asked from behind him and he turned.

"If you would like to, dear." Quirin smiled and Aqua walked up to the counter. "Varian almost never helps me cook."

Aqua laughed lightly as she took a knife and started to carefully cut the fruit for the fruit salad.

"He took after his mother so much but she liked to cook unlike Varian." Quirin smiled as he thought about Rosamund. "She's the one who got him into alchemy."

"I remember Rose. Only a little but I still remember some stuff. She got me books and something else to go with them every year for my birthday," Aqua recalled to which Quirin hummed softly.

"She loved you. She always tried to get the king to let you and Varian play at our house but your father was paranoid. I completely understand it. When she... passed away... I stopped bringing Varian to Corona completely except for your birthdays," Quirin said and Aqua paused.

"But I thought that Varian never came with you to Corona even when Rose was alive," Aqua said as she looked up at Quirin.

"No, I did a few times but Rose took him a lot to get supplies for her experiments. The king never let us come in to let you and Varian play. Varian should remember but he was quite young," Quirin replied.

"What should I remember?" Varian asked as he walked over to his father and his girlfriend.

"Going to Corona with your mother when you were young," Quirin said and Varian hummed.

"No, I don't really remember that. She took me to Neserdnia a bunch of times and Equis... but I don't remember her taking me to Corona," Varian said as he thought about it. "Why?"

"We were talking about your mother and how much you are like her," Aqua said with a smile and Varian gave a sad smile.

"Yeah, I guess I am a lot like her. I miss her so much. I wish she didn't have to go," he murmured, feeling tears prick his eyes and Aquaria quickly wrapped her arms around him.

"I miss her too, son," Quirin spoke softly as he embraced both teenagers. "But I know that she is still with us. She would be so proud of the man you've become."

Varian smiled and Aqua kissed his cheek.

"We all are," Aqua said as she looked into his eyes.

"She would also definitely be happy with your choice for a life partner," Quirin added as he looked down at Aqua with a smile. She blushed lightly but smiled.

"I did make a pretty great choice, didn't I?" Varian pressed a gently kiss to Aquaria's forehead.

"Darn right you did. You chose a princess!" Aquaria laughed a little.

"I guess I did but I also chose my best friend." Varian grinned and Quirin chuckled at the two.

"Alright, you two. Let's get lunch made," Quirin said as he turned back to the counter and Varian quickly turned to go to his lab.

"Ep! Nope! You're gonna help mister!" Aqua said as she caught his sleeve and he slumped with a cute pout.

"Oookaaay..." Varian agreed begrudgingly.

"I'll help you with the scroll after lunch, I promise," Aqua said and Varian perked up.

"Okay!" Varian nodded and started to help make lunch.

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