Chapter 5

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3rd P.O.V

Tom was walking through the woods enjoying life but was thinking of what to do with the invite Tord gave him for the party this weekend, he was unsure if he should go or not maybe even for a short amount of time.

Tord on the other hand was busy on his computer talking with some friends and thinking mostly about Tom and hoping he changed his mind and would go to the party but who knows.

Tom's P.O.V

I was walking through the woods enjoying every minute of it, but eventually started to think about the party and what to do about it I want to go, but if I go they might try something with me like spike my drink or make me do something stupid.

They always did those things to me then too, I used to go to prom and school dances and after-parties, but they started getting out of hand so I quit going to them and now I stay home to go camping or just watch movies the whole time.

But mostly enjoy my alone time before I get interrupted by anyone or if I have to get up to do something, I was very social, but after my parents died I kinda stopped being so social I lost friends, failed classes, even avoided lunch, and I had stopped eating a lot but got out of that, now I'm friends with Edd and Matt.

So I mostly eat two or three times a day, lunch I don't eat any more the food taste weird as hell, I swear they put something else in it some might even spit in it who knows, but my life has been great before Tord showed up and started to fuck up everything and fuck around with me.

I sometimes wish he would stop or go back to where he is from maybe even die, I hate him so much but yet I love him so god damn much to it's like my whole world is with him because when he is around my heart beats fast I get dizzy and the world becomes so bright and colorful.I love his smile, laugh, and even his crazy hairstyle it makes me laugh when I think about it looks like horns I have a nickname for him but it's stupid, but I hope one day he can be mine until the day I die.

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