Chapter 17

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 3rd POV

Tom awoke with a raging headache groaning he stood up only to fall back onto his bed with a sigh he just laid their " what the hell happened?" Before a knock sounded throughout the room."Come in!" Tom yelled when the door opened Tord was there with some water an aspirin, "h-hey Tom here some umm medicine and water for you" Tom quickly walked over grabbed the items out of Tord's hands taking it than turning to stare at Tord's eyes " I don't know what the fuck your up to, but it can't be good"Before Tom pushed him out slamming the door shut Tord jumped at this he doesn't know what is going on or who might have made Tom act like this, but a pissed off Tom seemed to give him a hard-on. 

Shaking his head Tord walked away back down to his room where he can have some peace until Edd and Matt return they have been gone since last night. An idea of what they are up to popped in Tord's mind they must tying the knot he began to smirk "at least someone is" soon Tord grew tired and fell back to sleep hoping when he wakes Tom will be his. 

Tom laid in bed thinking of Tord "why the hell did he bring this to me? How the hell did he know?" Before Tom sat down grabbing his flask he started getting small flashbacks of the night before.FlashbackTom had set up a little campsite after getting money from rainbow's boyfriend and he started drinking than before he knew it was unzipping someone's pants. 

They pushed him away "no" it was in a sexy Norwegian accent that made his heart stop before he could do much he saw himself running away from this person. He then felt himself get pushed up against a tree feeling heat from the new person touching his body he could feel himself get hard as they rubbed against him. 

Before he was pulled away into the arms of another who was warm eventually everything went blurry, he then heard a sexy Norwegian accent say "damn pussy" before everything went black (end of flashback) Tom could feel the heat rise to his face he can't believe he did that and the one to keep him from being raped was Tord he had to thank him, but he was too scared too "maybe next time"

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