Chapter 1

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Please give me feedback on what you like or dislike about the story. The first few chapters go by fast, but the tempo slows down around chapter 7.

Thank you for reading!

"How could you have left me in the dark like this?" I question the most frustrating person I know standing in front of me.

"You know I couldn't tell you until I knew you were ready; things could've gotten out of hand. I didn't want you thinking I was a liar."

I stand there in silence knowing full well that he was right, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. This big of news would have been much handier about 24 hours ago when everything started to go wrong.

Let's back up a bit. I live with my Uncle Johnny and my cousin Emily in New Mexico; I have always felt as if I didn't belong with them. Emily and I never really got along, she always talked to me in a rude undertone. Emily is a year younger than me and acts like a rich snob at school. I only really have one friend and his name is Caden, but I call him Cade. We have been friends since as far back as I can remember. He is a year older than me, but I take senior classes, so I see him the odd class. Monday was the beginning of my new life.

I woke up and get ready to head off to school. After I get dressed into a pair of leggings, a baggy sweater, and my converse, I walk downstairs into the kitchen. I grab a granola bar and my bag as I walk out to wait in the car for Emily. She eventually come strutting out of the house and sits in the passenger seat with a huff.

"I can't wait until I can drive to school without you," she mumbles.

We get to the school, Emily gets out of the car and left to her snobby friends. She won't talk to me until it is time to go home and even then, she doesn't say much. I meet Cade at my locker and give him a warm smile.

"Hey Cade, how's your morning?"

"Oh, you know, boring as usual. Zane woke me up at 6 am on the dot again. I wish just once he would let me sleep in a bit," Cade groans.

"Well you know if he didn't wake you up, you would be late to first period every day," and it is true. Cade would sleep 24/8 if he could.

"That is very true." He chuckled.

"You ready for math?"

"Why does it have to be so early in the morning," Cade whines, "Math is so boring."

"I know, come on," I drag him to the classroom.

I have a photographic memory, so I will graduate a year early with Cade. I am so glad because I don't think I could survive a year in this dreadful place without him. In math class the teacher decided that it would be fun to torture his students by changing the seating plan. I was no longer sitting next to Cade, I got put next to the 'queen bee' of this school, Leah. Great. Just great.

I took out my pen and I reached back into my bag to grab my notebook. I set the notebook on the desk, which caused my pen rolled off the table. I scramble to try to grab the pen before it falls out of reach. To my surprise, the pen froze midair and I was just staring in shock and just as quickly as it froze, it fell to the ground. I leaned over in my chair to pick up the pen from its position on the ground; however, someone beat me to it. It was a boy in the class that sat in the next row over from me. He was very good looking, he had raven black hair, a sharp jaw line, and beautiful light blue eyes.

"Thank you." I whisper, grabbing the pen from his hand.

He nodded and went back to taking notes on the lesson. I didn't know his name, but I felt drawn to him and I wasn't not sure why. I thought back to when my pen dropped, it must have just been in my head. The pen freezing in the air wasn't possible. After a couple classes I went to lunch in the cafeteria and I looked around for Cade, but I couldn't spot him anywhere. I decided to sit down by myself at a table and pulled out a notebook I had put together on research about a tribe that use to be here. They were called the Malan Tribe. It was so fascinating to learn about the area I grew up in. I guess you could say I am a bit of a history nerd. Someone takes a seat across from me and I assume it is Cade.

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