Chapter 18

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When the light starts to come into sight, I am in the clearing before the Riverwood pack house. I hear a growl from behind me and I turn around. It is Jason! He shifts back looking at me like I am a ghost. It takes him a minute of staring at me.

"Hey Jason," I say in a quiet voice.

He just runs up to me and wraps me in an embrace, "you are here? Are you okay?"

"I am fine Jason. What happened while I was gone?"

"Well, when Altair took you away, Nix was running up to us and saw it happened. Let's just say he didn't take it well."

"How badly did he take it?" I ask, concerned.

"Well, I may have had a few broken bones when I broke it to him about what just happened."

"I am so sorry Jason."

"It isn't your fault. Anyway, he went crazy reading every book on the underworld, trying to find a way in so he can rescue you. He didn't have any luck."

"What has he been doing other than reading?"

"Well, he hasn't been eating or sleeping much. He mopes around, but mostly sticks to staying in his room. The odd time he would shift into his wolf, Lupus, and let him take over. Instead of Lupus' angry self, he would just curl up under a tree and whine for hours on end."

"Oh my god, I can't believe he acted that way just because I was gone."

"You are his mate."

I give him an unsure look.

"Still not feeling the bond?"

I shake my head no.

"That's okay."

"No, it isn't. what if I never feel the bond and fall in love with someone else. That would break him by the sounds of it."

"I bet it would take a while, but eventually he would understand."

"Okay, where is Zane?"

"He hasn't left Nix's side since you left."

"I need to go find him. I will tell you everything that happened when I am ready, okay?"

He nods, obviously there is a million questions swirling around in that head of his. I turn towards the pack house door and walk in. I walk over to the kitchen looking for someone to give me directions to Nix's room. I see Liam standing there at the counter, his back to me.


He whips around, "Who do you think...Chara? Oh my god, are you okay?"

"I am fine Liam, but I need to find Nix's room. Can you point me in the right direction?"

"Ooo, did you miss somebody?"

"It isn't like that Liam; I am looking for Zane."

"Oh, sorry. I will walk you there. Follow me."

I do as his says, I am walking beside him when I ask, "are you okay? You seem on edge."

"Is it that obvious?"

I stay silent.

"Well, with you being gone, Nix and Jason have been distant. My wolf and I can feel their anxiousness and sadness. I haven't really had a break for the two weeks since you were taken. I am wondering, what happened? How did you escape hell?"

"I will explain to all of you later, I need to talk to Zane first."

He nods and stops in front of the door, "here we a..." he is cut off by the door swinging open.

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