Chapter 24

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I wake up to warm arms wrapped around me, I panic for a minute before realizing it is only Nix. I guess I have to start getting used to being in the same bed as Nix. I need to enjoy the time we have together for as long as I can before the battle happens just in case, I don't make it. I haven't expressed my concerns about me possibly dying to the group because I know on some level both Nix and Daniel know it may happen.

I turn to Nix and kiss him on the cheek to wake him up. I can't wait until we have our first real kiss. My first kiss. Nix stirs and then opens his eyes to look at me and smiles.

"How was your sleep, love?"

"Pretty good, how was yours?"

"Best sleep I ever had."

I start to get out of bed to get ready, but Nix pulls me back down by my waist turning me to face him and hugs me close to his chest.

"Nix, we need to get ready and go," I tell him.

"Just five more minutes, I want to saver every minute we have together," his words are laced with sadness.

"Hey, don't think about that. Let's focus on one thing at a time, okay?"

He takes a deep breath, "Okay, let's get ready."

We both roll off the bed and head over to our bags to grab clothes for the day.

"Nix make sure you wear something black and leathery. We need to fit in and if this is the place for dangerous supernatural beings, that would make sense."


I grab out my black ripped jeans, dark blue bodysuit, and my black leather jacket. Nix puts on something similar. He is wearing black jeans, red muscle shirt, and a black leather jacket. He looks hot as all hell!

Nix walks up to me and puts his big hands on my small waist, "you look amazing!"

"You don't too bad yourself," I smile.

He chuckles, "come on, let's go find Daniel and Malik."

"What do you think of Malik?" I ask Nix.

"Well, he does act too young for his age, but I am just glad that he isn't another guy friend of yours," he chuckles slightly, but I can tell he is being serious.

"Come on, let's go."

We walk out into the hallway and see Daniel and Malik talking.

"Finally, we thought you guys would never get out of bed," Daniel says.

"Ha, ha," I say sarcastically, "Let's go."

We walk downstairs and decide to walk to Matericus, so the car isn't left there for who knows how long. We stand at the border of the city for a minute just looking though the trees. Everyone looks suspicious and it is like they all want to hurt someone.

"Holly crap," Malik whispers.

"What is it Malik?" I ask.

"I can sense what kind of supernatural they all are."

"That's new, you couldn't do that yesterday," Daniel states.

"I know, but they all have a coloured aura around them, and it symbolizes the different creatures."

"One second," is all I say.

I close my eyes and concentrate on seeing the supernatural's auras and the colour they represent. I open my eyes and see what Malik does. All the different shades of colours to represent the different creatures.

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