Chapter 27

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Nix's POV

I ended up falling asleep last night and I just woke up at twelve today. I must have really needed that sleep. I make my way downstairs to the kitchen where Jason, Daniel, Malik, and my dad already are.

"How are you feeling man?" Daniel asks.

"Better, I think I feel better to have the closure. I now know that she is at rest."

"That is good to hear," my dad says.

"Malik, how are you doing?" I ask him.

"Okay, I guess. I know that one day I will see her again."

I feel like I will see her again one day, but what scares me is that I feel like that day is soon. I can't leave my family after we just lost Chara. I don't know if Jason can take losing me right after losing Chara. I sigh shaking the thoughts from my head.

"Are you guys ready to go find Valanter?"

They look at me slightly shocked. I hold back the urge to roll my eyes at them.

"We have to go find Noc, it is what Chara wanted us to do."

"Okay, we will eat breakfast and then pack as long as it is okay with Dad," Jason replies.

"Of course, you all go and carry out her final wish. Please try to make it back in one piece though," Dad responds.

"Thanks Dad," I smile at him.

We eat our cereal and then all head to our separate rooms to pack up to leave, Jason deciding to come with us this time. We finish packing quickly and get into Daniel's car. We drive for the next two days and two nights only stopping for gas and to get some sleep. This time our journey to Matericus if much shorter because we know where we are going this time. We park on the outskirts of the city and walk into it. Okay, we need to try to locate this bar by ourselves. We follow one of the first people we see. They walk into a coffee shop. We follow another person, and another, and another. All of them leading to different spots such as a hotel, a restaurant, and the sports field. We follow another person right before giving up and this person walks down an alley and into the woods. We hesitantly follow them into the woods, and they come out to a tree. He does two quick knocks, three slow ones, and then two more quick ones. A door appears in the wood of the tree and the man walks in. I walk over to the tree trunk and do the same sequence of knocks. The door appears and a slight smile forms on my lips. We all walk in and the scent of alcohol immediately hits my nose.

We finally found it! Zane exclaims while wagging his tail.

I smile at his remark and tell him to change into his gecko. He does so and I put him in the hood of my hoodie. We make our way to the bar and grab a drink to not draw attention to ourselves. We sit at the bar and I order a beer along with the others. Once we finish, I lean into the bartender and ask her where the portal is.

"It's in the back, first door on the right. Are you sure you don't want to stay? I can show you a good time."

"I am good, thanks though. Come on guys," I say, and we all walk in the direction of the portal.

The door says supply closet and when I open it there is a dark purple swirling in front of me. It is almost mesmerizing. We all grab on to each other and we envision the entrance to Valanter. None of us are sure of what it looks like, but we try our best. We all step into the portal and we are engulfed by darkness. About a minute passes and I see a bright white light. I close my eyes because the light burns them. The light fades and we are left in an open field dead in the centre. I look around to see nothing there, but open field surrounded by trees.

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