Chapter 5

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The story will start to slow down now. Please leave comments on your thoughts about the story.

I wake up in the middle of the field with my backpack lying beside me. My eyes take a minute to adjust to the light around me and I look around while I sit up. I am in a clearing in the woods, there are trees all around. I stand up and my side is in excruciating pain, I wince as I lift my shirt to reveal a symbol tattooed into my side over my ribs. It is a very familiar symbol to me. It is the symbol from the prophecy.

"What the hell? Did she tattoo me?"

"No, that means you have accepted your powers and your destiny." A man says as he reveals himself from the tree line.

I am startled by the man's voice and I cover my stomach back up with my shirt. By the time I look back up he is standing in front of me. I have a feeling that I know him. I take a minute to look at Daniel, his is hot, I mean I can see his abs through his shirt and his jawline could cut through glass. His eyes are the colour of the Caribbean Sea and his hair is jet black. Oh my god. I stand up from my spot on the ground.

"You!" I shout accusingly at Daniel.

"What?" he says innocently, trying to act confused.

"You're the guy from math class. What the hell are you doing here?" I am so confused.

"I am your guide, to help you fulfill your destiny and guide you through troubles."

"Did you know about me this whole time! Why didn't you tell me anything?" I could feel anger start to creep up inside me.

"I wasn't allowed to, you needed to accept your destiny before I could reveal myself," he tells me.

"Okay..." I say as I still don't fully believe him.

"My name is..."

"Daniel." I cut him off.

"How do you know?"

"Lucky guess."

"Okay, well we should get going."


We walk into the vast forest. I don't see a path so hopefully Daniel knows where he is going. Hour pass and we just keep walking deeper into the forest. My trust in him begins to waver a bit and I begin to get anxious as to where we are going.

"So, Daniel. Remember that day at school that you asked to sit with me and then you left when you saw Cade."

"Yeah. I remember."

"Why did you run away?"

"Well, um." He hesitates, then accepts defeat, "Cade cannot be trusted. He is believed to be working for Aluca, the God of the Underworld. That is why Realia sent you that vision, so you would leave him to get to New York."

"But I have known Cade for as long as I remember. He wouldn't hurt me," I insist.

"Chara, think about it. He wedged his way into your life and never told you what you were even though he knew. You know, Glaras have the gift of knowing what other supernaturals are. He knew you were a god, but never told you."

I am silent with disbelief, but I soon realize it isn't disbelief, it's denial. How could Cade, my best and only friend, be working for the bad guy? As I am stuck in my own thoughts, I didn't even realize we came up to a small log cabin in a clearing in the trees.

"We can stay here tonight, lets rest and have some food."

I nod in response as I yawn, and we enter the cabin. My energy has been depleted for the day and my head is still throbbing. I tell Daniel I will take the couch since there is only one bed. He insists that I take the bed and he doesn't seem to be backing down. I am too tired to argue right now and I go into the bedroom, sitting down on the bed I open the backpack. I notice the backpack has some extra things inside that was not there before. I reach inside the bag and begin to remove the contents. I removed the book that I got from Haven, then another book with the symbol that is now tattooed on my side that I have never seen before.

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