Chapter 9

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I dodge his attack by side stepping and await his next move. He charges at me and with the flick of my wrist he flies backward. This gets him angry and he goes to jump on my and I teleport behind him, giving him a push with my telekinesis. He stumbles trying to find his balance and whips around to jump on top of me and I topple backwards. He sits down on me, god he is heavy. I decide to give him a slight burn, not lighting flames, just a lot of heat. I grab his front legs and push heat into my hands, controlling the amount. He begins to feel the searing pain by the look on his face and see he whines and jumps off me in defeat. I stand up and Jason shifts back. I look to the crowd on the bleachers, their jaws on the floor. I see the principal and Jack begin walk up to me, but before they can reach me I hurry over to the injured Jason and help him up to take him to the school infirmary.

We walk in silence; I think Jason can sense I don't want to talk. I knock on the door then open it. The nurse from last night rushes over to us.

"Jeez girl, how many guys are you going to be bringing here beaten up?" she asks impressed.

"Um...I don't know, it depends on when they can beat me, I guess."

I hear Jason and the nurse laugh, but then Jason starts having a coughing fit.

"I think he may have cracked a rib when I threw him across the field, and he has some burn marks on both of his arms." I explain.

Jason looks at me shocked and impressed.

The nurse replies with, "I really hope you use this gift of yours in the future. You would truly be an amazing doctor."

Jason nods in agreement. I thank her as I help Jason lay down on the bed. She confirms my suspicions and says he should be fine by the morning. His wolf gene helps him heal at an accelerated rate.

"Come on Jason, I will walk you back to the house."

"Thank you, Kate, I really appreciate it."

We head out of the school to the direction of the boy's dorm house. We walk for about fifteen minutes before arriving, I am so glad the girl's house is only five minutes from the school. I help him to his room as he gives me directions. The whole way there he looked like he wants to ask a question. He sits on his bed.

"Whatever you want to ask go ahead." I tell him.

He is shocked at first then thinks of how to ask the question.


"Just spit it out Jason," I say impatiently.

"Was that you last night?"

I play dumb, "was that me doing what?"

"Did you take down that dark brown wolf the principal informed us about this morning? Everyone by now should know it was not Britany and you burned me similar to how that wolf was burned."

I sigh in defeat, "yeah, it was me. Please don't mention it to anyone, I really don't want all the attention on me."

"My lips are sealed; you have my word."

With that I nod gratefully and walk out of the room and out the front door where I am greeted by Luca.

"Kate, there you are. I figured if you weren't at the school, you would be here. How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, keep an eye on Jason for me please. He should be fine by morning, but he needs rest."


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