Chapter 8

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Thank you for continuing my story, I hope you like it!

Without thinking I use my water manipulation to grab water from the stream nearby and throw it on the fire. The fire dissipates. I run over to Luca and shake his shoulders.

"Luca, are you alright?" I ask him.

"Kate?" he groans.

"Are you alright?"

"Peachy." He chuckles and stands up.

"What happened?" Jack asks.

We turn around and the whole class is watching us. Great, another day with people staring. Just what I need.

"Kate and I were having a friendly competition and I lost control of the fire and passed out. I'm sorry Jack."

"It's okay, no one got hurt. How did you put the fire out Kate?"

"Oh...uh...I used my telekinesis to get water from the stream and throw it on the fire to extinguish it."

"Wow, being able to use one a power to control the elements is extremely advanced. I'm impressed."

"Thanks, can I take Luca to the nurse to make sure he is alright?"

"Of course, see you both tomorrow."

We walk back into the school and down the hall to the nurse. I open the door with a squeak and help Luca walk in. We walk up to where the nurse is sitting doing paperwork.

"Excuse me, can you please help us?" I ask.

She looks up from the paperwork with an exhausted look that quickly changes when she sees Luca, "Oh my god, I am so sorry. Come over here and sit down."

She takes Luca over to the bed in the room and he sits down on it.

"What happened?"

I see a smirk cross Luca's face. "well you see, Kate over here is a lot stronger than she looks and beat me in a competition."

I giggle, "maybe you just need more practice and know your limits. That way next time you may not almost burn down the field."

He looks embarrassed, I let out a little laugh.

"Is everyone else alright, any injuries?" the nurse questions, nervously.

"Everyone is fine, I put out the fire when he lost control of it. I think Luca just over exhausted himself and needs some water and rest."

"That is exactly correct, maybe one day you will become a great doctor."

"Yeah, maybe."

If I get to live that long, I highly doubt I will be able to choose anything about my future, it seems pretty set in stone for me. I walk Luca back to his house and bring him to his room.

"Thanks Kate."

"Not a problem." I respond as he drifts off to sleep.

I leave the house and make my way over to mine. Unfortunately, the boys house is on the other side of the school. I make my way through the school ground and I hadn't realized how late it was getting, the sun was beginning to set behind the mountains in the distance. I better hurry if I want to arrive before dark.

I am now in the forest and two minutes away from the house when I hears something rustle in the bushes close by. I spin to face the sound, nothing is there. Then a twig snaps behind me and I whip around to see two glowing blue eyes staring at me followed by a low, rumbling growl. I take a step back, if I am going to run it will have to be in the direction of the school as the huge dark brown wolf is blocking my path to the house. I contemplate my options.

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