Chapter 21

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Nix sees this and walks over to me and puts an arm around my waist snapping me out of it. Principal Grimm walks over to me to tell me to go back to the dorms and there will be an assembly explaining everything tomorrow.

"What will you tell them?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"The truth," is all he says.

I nod and turn around to walk to the girl's dorm with Nix beside me and Zane on the other side.

"This won't end well," I say, looking forward.

"What do you mean?"

"If everyone at the school knows, word will get out and I will be hunted for multiple reasons. I can feel it, this won't end well. I don't think I should go back to school."

"For how long?"

"I don't think I should go back at all."

He looks at me with a saddened expression, "okay."

"Okay?" I ask shocked.

"Yeah, if you feel you cannot go back there, then don't."

"Thank you."

He smiles, "you can come stay with me at the pack house."

"But you won't be there, you have to be at the dorms."

"If you aren't returning to school, neither am I."

"You should really go to school."

"I have already made up my mind."

I sigh knowing there is no point in arguing with him, "fine."

We make it to the girl's dorm and Daniel is waiting outside. I run up to him and give him a hug.

Geez, how many guys friends does she have? I hear Lupus whine.

I roll my eyes. Stupid thoughts pushing through.

"Daniel! Thank god you are okay."

"I should be saying that to you," he chuckles.

"I was afraid you were taken or something and that is why you suddenly disappeared."

"No, nothing like that."

"How's your mom?"

"She is alright, it was just a little scare."

"That's good," Nix walks up to us, "Nix, this is Daniel, Daniel, this is Nix, my...mate."

Daniel looks surprised while Nix looks proud, "That's amazing Chara! I am so happy for you!"

"Thank you, Daniel."

"I am Chara's guide, Daniel," he holds out his hand and Nix shakes it.

"Nice to meet you."

"I am actually about to move my stuff to the pack house. An incident happened today, and I don't think I am going to go back to the school."

"I know, you did good today Chara. You also handled the Aluca situation very well."

Nix looks confused, "how do you know all of that?"

"Once I see Chara, I know the important things that has happened since I last saw her."

"Oh, that's handy."

"That it is."

We head up to my room and pack my stuff, then head over to the pack house. I teleport Nix and Zane first and then Daniel and I with the bags. I teleport mu bags to the guest room I was staying in and then teleport to the Livingroom where Zane, Nix, and Daniel are.

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