Chapter 15

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I break the connection. Oh My God! That can't be true, I can't be his mate. I am not a werewolf or vampire even though I can shift into a wolf, I do not have an inner wolf to claim. According to Jason, when mates lay their eyes on each other, their inner wolves or inner vampires will claim each other as their mates. Since I don't have an inner wolf, there is no one for Lupus to claim. This must just be a misunderstanding. He has it all wrong.

I see Nix eyes turn back to normal and he shifts into his human form.

"Sorry about Lupus, I don't know what has his riled up right now."

"It's fine," I say, "are you just going to stand there or are you coming in"

"Our clothes are going to be soaking wet though."

He clearly hasn't noticed our clothes on the ground.

"Well, if you go in just your underwear like we are, the clothes won't be soaking wet," I say.

A growl rumbles in Nix's chest, "you are both just in your underwear?" he spits out.

"Dude, chill. We are just swimming, come on," Jason invites.

Nix huffs and takes off his shirt and shorts. Wow, he has a perfectly sculpted eight pack and very toned arms. I have to say, he is one fine specimen. He jumps in splashing all of us.

Oh, it's on. Can I please shift into a dolphin Chara, Please?

I guess he will figure it out eventually, why not.


I nudge Jason's shoulder and whisper, "Zane is turning into a dolphin be prepared to swim away when he splashes Nix."

He nods in response. I see Zane getting ready and I grab Jason's arm. Zane shifts in the water and jumps up to begin splashing Nix in the face, repeatedly. Jason and I swim as fast as we can across the lake. We stop when we reach some rocks and we climb up onto them.

"Where do you think Zane and Nix are?" Jason asks.

"No clue, let's just enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts. That brother of yours never stops growling."

"Yeah, I am not sure why."

He is lying to me; I think Nix told him that he thinks I am his mate.

"Yeah, sure."

He gives me a questioning book. I brush it off though.

"We should probably head back since I have to walk, and it is getting late."

"You could just teleport back while Nix and I run."

"I guess, but what if someone tries to attack you and you have to go back to your dorms. I will walk you back to the boy's dorm and then go to the girl's dorm. I want the fresh air anyway."

"Okay, we should get going then."

With that we slip back into the water and swim over to where we left Nix and Zane. Nix is gone and I only see Zane laying on the grass.

What happened Zane? Are you okay?

I am fine, I don't know where Nix went though. I think he is looking for you guys.

Well, we are here. We are going to walk back to the dorms and if he isn't here, he can find his way back, I guess.

Okay, I guess we can leave without Nix.

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